I have a table with task name, start date, and finish date. Once a week I need to calculate planned weekly work time by summarising all activities duration falling into current week and divide this number by total duration of all activities over whole period. Problem is that the total summ of...
All dates formatted as dates, not a text. Marker field for each activity could have a letter "y" or remain blank. My question probably easy to explain on example: Let say I have 1500 activities with start and finish dates distributed over 3 years period. and 500 of them have marker "y" in...
Thanks in advance for your help. I searched forum, but didn't find answer.
I need to calculate total overlap in array:
Start Date; Finish Date; Marker; Range
I have a range, let say one week, and I need to know how many activities with maker fall into range, or overlap with it, and for how...