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  1. M

    Macros + Web Query = Huge Headache. Can anyone help me?

    @SirJB7 -- That's exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much for providing me with this. This is amazing, and I'm able to use it right away. I'm going to study the macro that you created so I can understand it all. Thank you again!
  2. M

    Macros + Web Query = Huge Headache. Can anyone help me?

    Thank you for the suggestion, SirJB7. I provided the sample data below. I would be very grateful for any suggestions on how to approach this -- I'm really at a loss. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18326806/Mikey%20sample.xlsx
  3. M

    Macros + Web Query = Huge Headache. Can anyone help me?

    Hi Narayan, In the example I provided, the information I would like to obtain from the webquery is the "location" info. The info might be "Chicago, IL", "Japan", etc. So the web query would access the url, copy the "location" info, and paste it into a cell in my spreadsheet. (This is just a...
  4. M

    Macros + Web Query = Huge Headache. Can anyone help me?

    I have a very low comfort-level with macros (I've incorporated them before, but never written my own). But I'm trying to automatically generate info into my spreadsheet, and it seems to require macros and web queries... Here is a hypothetical project that's very similar to what I'm trying to...