Hi Hui,
I have a follow-up question. I'm new to Excel for Mac (2010), which doesn't support pivot charts. In the past, I used Excel for Windows to create a table and then a pivot chart to create a dynamic chart. How do I create a dynamic chart in Excel for Mac? Would you mind posting an...
Thanks again for responding, Hui and Montrey. I'm excited to try Montrey's method when I have more time to figure out how it works.
Hui, I'm reluctant to use pivot tables because I have over 10 charts to create, which means I'd have to create over 10 separate sheets, one for each pivot table...
Hi Montrey,
Thanks for taking the time to create this file! I have not used sumproduct before and I'm intrigued by your solution. However, this still requires multiple tables of data and creates line graphs instead of stacked charts. I was hoping to have all of the data in one table. Maybe it...
Hi Faseeh,
Thanks for responding and apologies for the late reply. How would I format my data if I need to create a stacked column chart for multiple metrics? For example, I need one chart for Visits by Month/Medium and another for New Visits by Month/Medium. In my original data set, the data...
Thanks for responding, Faseeh! I know how to create the pivot charts, but I'm wondering if there's a better way to do this. I want to create multiple stacked column charts from one data set. The x axis will always = month; the legend = medium, but the value could be visits, new visits...
Thanks for responding Hui and Faseeh! I read the sticky posts and published my spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ah5e8FktKX3ZdDhXZWMwSXByZXBNeUlYam5MSWw2RlE
I would like to create dynamic stacked column charts, where:
x-axis = month
y-axis = # of visits by medium...
Hi, I was hoping someone might be able to help me with this. I need to create multiple dynamic charts from one data set. Should I use pivot tables, or is there a better way to do this. Thanks for your help!
I have a master data set on one worksheet that I update once a week. I need to create multiple charts that are dynamically updated when I update the data set. I created a pivot table for each chart. When I update the data set, I refresh the pivot table, which updates the chart. Is there a better...