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  1. A

    Best way to create multiple charts from one data set

    Hi Hui, I have a follow-up question. I'm new to Excel for Mac (2010), which doesn't support pivot charts. In the past, I used Excel for Windows to create a table and then a pivot chart to create a dynamic chart. How do I create a dynamic chart in Excel for Mac? Would you mind posting an...
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    Best way to create multiple charts from one data set

    Thanks again for responding, Hui and Montrey. I'm excited to try Montrey's method when I have more time to figure out how it works. Hui, I'm reluctant to use pivot tables because I have over 10 charts to create, which means I'd have to create over 10 separate sheets, one for each pivot table...
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    Best way to create multiple charts from one data set

    Hi Montrey, Thanks for taking the time to create this file! I have not used sumproduct before and I'm intrigued by your solution. However, this still requires multiple tables of data and creates line graphs instead of stacked charts. I was hoping to have all of the data in one table. Maybe it...
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    Best way to create multiple charts from one data set

    Hi Faseeh, Thanks for responding and apologies for the late reply. How would I format my data if I need to create a stacked column chart for multiple metrics? For example, I need one chart for Visits by Month/Medium and another for New Visits by Month/Medium. In my original data set, the data...
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    Best way to create multiple charts from one data set

    Thanks for responding, Faseeh! I know how to create the pivot charts, but I'm wondering if there's a better way to do this. I want to create multiple stacked column charts from one data set. The x axis will always = month; the legend = medium, but the value could be visits, new visits...
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    Best way to create multiple charts from one data set

    Thanks for responding Hui and Faseeh! I read the sticky posts and published my spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ah5e8FktKX3ZdDhXZWMwSXByZXBNeUlYam5MSWw2RlE I would like to create dynamic stacked column charts, where: x-axis = month y-axis = # of visits by medium...
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    Best way to create multiple charts from one data set

    Hi, I was hoping someone might be able to help me with this. I need to create multiple dynamic charts from one data set. Should I use pivot tables, or is there a better way to do this. Thanks for your help!
  8. A

    Best way to create multiple charts from one data set

    I have a master data set on one worksheet that I update once a week. I need to create multiple charts that are dynamically updated when I update the data set. I created a pivot table for each chart. When I update the data set, I refresh the pivot table, which updates the chart. Is there a better...