need help...
i have wriiten macro which takes header fields from two excel sheet
but i need to add button in my excel sheet such taht when we press that button it will run that macro.
1. We create one excel file having 3 colmuns output file headers, mapping, input file headers
2. Need to write macro such that under output file header column all the header fields name from svc excel file(inputdata worksheet) comes
3. Same for input data field column (all header fields names...
i want to move header fields from two excel sheet to third excel sheet using macros please help.
I have source and destination workbook
We take third sheet where we make 2 columns as outut file fields and input file filelds
and third column as mapping
Need a macro for the above situation...
I need help to write code for macro.
I have 2 files one source file and other one detsination file
need to map fields from source file to one of the worksheet of destination file
mapping needs to be done dyanamically