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Search results

  1. L

    Excel 2003 forumla help??

    I think I've worked it out by changing the layout of the spreadsheet, and it helps to refresh the data on the pivot table before making charts etc. Thanks for your comments.
  2. L

    Excel 2003 forumla help??

    Sure. I have three projects (project 1, 2, and 3). In the pivot table if I select to see ONLY Project 2 - the "Total" column shows the totals for all three projects even if I filter to Project 2. I was trying to put a formula in the spreadsheet that eliminates hidden rows. I see what your...
  3. L

    Excel 2003 forumla help??

    I'm looking for a formula, two column excel 2003: - first column is the name or title - second column is the total (number) for each row (not all rows have a total) I need a formula to SUMIF when using a pivot table for only the sum for 'visible' cells only. Currently just using a SUM, even...