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Search results

  1. E

    Use Vlookup-result as input for Dropdown-list

    Hi all, looking for a sollution for a Vlookup output to drive the content of a dropdown list. eg: B2 contains VLOOKUP function. How do i make that result become input for a variable dropdown in C2? So, if Vlookup B2 = Belgium, then dropdown in C2 should show "Antwerp", "Liege"...
  2. E

    VLOOKUP .. but then with multiple variables ?? Im lost

    Issue: i have a list(A) of 70.000 accounts and want to get a match if these accounts are also in a list (B) of more than 100 Accounts. The probem is that there are no 'exact matches'. Example : List A - McDonalds New York - Mc Donalds Houston - Mc Donald's SF - Burger King Atlanta -...