Yes, thanks very much! That was all I needed. I didn't have them even in separate sheets.
One thing though - In my excel version, I can't use komas, but semicolons.
I replaced all komas and it worked:)
I'm sorry, I don't understand:( Not a professional excel user...
column A
List A
David Smith
Diane Lane
Gary Johnson
column A.........column B
List B...........ID
David Smith......1113
Diane Lane.......4598
Gary Johnson.....7777
Now - I need to have those ID numbers...
Hello, I think I have a simple problem, but I don't know where to look the answer exactly..
I have two lists of names - List A and List B. List A has also a extra column with their ID numbers. My problem is that I need to compare and add.
I need to add those ID's from List A to the List B in...