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Search results

  1. U

    Insert File as attachment in Excel 2007

    Hi SirJB7 No. I know about this zip file but this would not help to accomplish what I want. I have sort of a check list template. When an item is checked, I want to give the option to the user to attache a file in relation to the checked item. If multiple items are checked, then their will be...
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    Insert File as attachment in Excel 2007

    Hi SirJB7 Thank you for all your valuable time. I will check the attachment tonight and let you know. I am also open to your other suggestion of .rar/.zip. This is new to me. Can you provide more details or supply a block please?
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    Insert File as attachment in Excel 2007

    Hi SirJB7 You have been very helpful. I understand that the embed attachment is not specific to a cell. Can I change the requirement and allow the other users for file attachment only once then disable the button. Is it possible? Please let me know.
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    Insert File as attachment in Excel 2007

    Hi SirJB7 The end result you have mentioned is correct. This is what I am exactly trying to achieve. Now to the beginning part: A) the other users, not myself. It could be a word doc or PDF or a copy of a saved outlook email or another Excel worksheet. B) could be both. The person who...
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    Insert File as attachment in Excel 2007

    Hi SirJB7, Thank you for the post. I am getting closer but not there yet. I have a protected sheet with some unlocked cells as your second sheet. This sheet will be accessed by multiple users and I want to make sure that the attachment goes only in a specified range of cells. So the question is...
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    Insert File as attachment in Excel 2007

    Thanks SirJB7, i am ok with this. but the 2nd problem is' let I select range B2:E15 and then goto Home / Alignment group / Protection and uncheck the locked combobox. Then Review / Protect sheet / check mark next to select unlocked cells / OK. now select a cell within the range B2:E15 and try...
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    Insert File as attachment in Excel 2007

    Hello sirJB7 PDF or word doc or outlook email saved as MSG doc. Thank you.
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    Insert File as attachment in Excel 2007

    Hi SirJB7 That's great. If I protect the sheet and try embedding a file in an unlocked range of cells, I get an error message "object cannot be inserted" . Can you please tell be how to overcome this error. I am using Excel 2007. Thanks
  9. U

    Display in a Cell the Date the file last saved.

    Hi SirJB7 the codes will force the user to save the file every time is opened and closed. I want to save the file only whenever something is changed in the file. Is there is a way to this using formula please?
  10. U

    Insert File as attachment in Excel 2007

    Thank you SirJB7 for the reply; my intention is not create a link. What I want is attach a file to a spread sheet and email to another person. How do I attach as a file (not as a link). I was following the above steps in my first post. Please help.
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    Display in a Cell the Date the file last saved.

    Can someone please provide the VBA codes. In Excel 2007; every time the file is saved, i want the saved date copied to the designated cell in the same file. Thank You.
  12. U

    Insert File as attachment in Excel 2007

    Hello, I need some help. I am trying to attached a file (PDF, WORD DOC or an email) to a spread sheet. This is what I am doing; select Insert and then Object, select the 2nd tab "Create From File" click Browse and select a file select option button "Display an icon" and OK The file is...
  13. U

    How to access and edit the same workbook by multiple users simultaneously?

    go to Review tab and enable share workbook option
  14. U

    Offset formula returns 0, can i just have it as blank cell

    you may try this to return a blank instead of 0 =if(ISBLANK('Requirement Data'!E6),"",OFFSET('Requirement Data'!E6,Calculation!$D$5,0,1,1 ))
  15. U

    Email active workbook as attachment

    Thank you Vijay for your suggestion. I will try it out.
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    Email active workbook as attachment

    Don't worry Prasad, i have figured it out. I change the line from; If sFileNameSave = False Then to If sFileNameSave = "False" Then
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    Email active workbook as attachment

    Hi Prasad The ReTake function works greatly when sFileNameSave is false. However when it is true I am getting an error mismatch. Could you please look at the codes one more time?
  18. U

    Email active workbook as attachment

    Fantastic. Thank you Prasad.
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    Email active workbook as attachment

    what I am looking for is if the user select "Cancel" in the dialog box, I want the codes to represent the dialog box again until the user click the save button.
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    Email active workbook as attachment

    The user sign in to network drive.
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    Email active workbook as attachment

    No. Not all the users have access to the same directory. The local drive C is not accessible to every one. Therefore I have give the saveas option.
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    Email active workbook as attachment

    Thank you Prasad. That is a great suggestion. Could you please supply the codes to bring back the saveas option when the user select cancel?
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    Email active workbook as attachment

    Thanks for all the help Prasad. there is still a small issue. As you suggested I added the extra line: Activeworkbook.save It works fine on my desktop. I forward it to other people via email (or they open it in sharepoint). when others complete the form and try email it again, saving the...
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    Email active workbook as attachment

    Great help. Thanks for it.
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    Email active workbook as attachment

    Sorry for the confusion Prasad. This is what I am trying to achive. I have a user form that I want to give to other people. I like them fill it up and email it to me without saving by clicking a command button on the user form. Hope it is clear now Thanks for ur help.