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  1. 4

    creating a list from given values

    Hi, SirJB7 Thanks for all your help. I was wondering if the macros could be changed to allow the data to go to existing worksheets instead of new ones. For example could group 1 go into a worksheet that exists called group 1? Thanks for all oyur help. 4Crawfs
  2. 4

    creating a list from given values

    Hi SirJB7, Thanks that works as i hoped it would. Is it possible to change it slightly so that it could put the data into 8 existing group worksheets rather than create 8 new ones? Thanks 4Crawfs
  3. 4

    creating a list from given values

    SirJB7 Thanks again. Is it possible to make each group appear on a different worksheet? Group 1 on worksheet 1 Group 2 on worksheet 2 etc Thanks 4Crawfs
  4. 4

    creating a list from given values

    SirJB7 Thanks for your help. Is it possible to expand the macro to 8 groups and upto 200 entries? Thanks 4Crawfs
  5. 4

    creating a list from given values

    Ok sorry, Forename Surname Group Jay Abdul 1 John Adams 2 Laurence Allen 3 About 180 people divided into 8 groups. 1 master data sheet and a separate worksheet for each group. Later in the year I will need to do the same again so wanted to...
  6. 4

    creating a list from given values

    What is the easiest way to create a list from data? The data needs to create group list. The list should return forename and surname. Each group has a numerical value from 1 to 8. I would like the data to appear on a seperate worksheet based on the numerical value. Thanks 4Crawfs