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Search results

  1. S

    Vlookup w/ linked data from a network drive returns N/A# (sometimes...)

    Hui Thanks for the advice... I'll ask tech support if they can offer some help. I'll let you know how it goes.
  2. S

    Vlookup w/ linked data from a network drive returns N/A# (sometimes...)

    I created a template for tracking performance measures of employees at my office. Supervisors previously updated all the information manually. The template has a hidden table of vlookup functions to pull performance metrics of a few years worth of pre-named files. It pulls all the data from...
  3. S

    Linking files that have yet to be created in a spreadsheet to pull future data

    I am fairly new to excel... I have linked monthly files with similar names(only changing the date) for 4 years in excel. The outside linked data is a team rollup and is updated at the end of each month. I'm linking it to performance of individuals represented by the new spreadsheet. I used a...