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Search results

  1. T

    Countif Formula Help

    Well under conditional formatting, I cannot figure out how to include the word "compass" as a data point. I managed to turn the cell where I want the total to be, Pink... but that's it... I get a pink square with no data inside it. Sorry for being such a pain.
  2. T

    Countif Formula Help

    Okay I found the conditional formatting... but looking at the little prompt boxes... heavy sigh... between my ears there is an echo... so embarrassing... sheesh
  3. T

    Countif Formula Help

    at the risk of truly reveal the computer illiterate moi, would you mind sharing where the conditional formatting is? Or rather what the formula might look like? Example: =countif(blah blah blah...etc) I am very wet behind the ears here...
  4. T

    Countif Formula Help

    I have a format to count cells with specific data inside, and I have a format to count color filled cells. Here's exactly what I am needing to count: All cells colored pink which contain the word "compass." Does this help you help me? Cheers!
  5. T

    Countif Formula Help

    I am fairly new to excel. I am trying to count certain cells which contain a specific word as well as a specific color. I cannot find any one able to help with this. I am sure it is easy, but like I said, I am new at this... It's incredibly urgent as well, as I am trying to compile a report...