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Search results

  1. A

    Trying to use a VLOOKUP as the value_if_error in an IFERROR

    Thanks Hui for your response. You are a genius! This works perfectly. (It is a named range)
  2. A

    Lookup one value in a range and then lookup another value beneath it

    Hello. I'm finding a bunch of helpful posts on this site. I recently viewed one that appears similar to what you may be trying to do. Try searching on the site for "Getting the 2nd matching value from a list using VLOOKUP formula". Perhaps it may help you?
  3. A

    Trying to use a VLOOKUP as the value_if_error in an IFERROR

    Excel 2010 doesn't seem to want to handle this? =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A125,sheet1,4,FALSE),VLOOKUP(A125,sheet1,2,FALSE)). In other words, If there is a value in column 4 of the lookup table, use it, otherwise use the value in column 2. Excel 2010 accepts the syntax. The result in the cell is the...