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Search results

  1. G

    Need Major help

    Hey Chandoo, I have created two drop-down boxes, both contains the list of alphabets from A to Z. Also, I have created a button "letters" [button name], now what I want if I select an alphabet from first drop-down box suppose alphabet "A" and alphabet "D" from second drop-down box and click...
  2. G

    How to create button to print something in Excel ?

    Hey Hui, thanks for your great help. I will give it a try and get back to you shortly on this. Thanks/ Regards Gautam Sehdev
  3. G

    How to create button to print something in Excel ?

    Hey Chandoo, I want to create an icon/ button in excel sheet that if someone clicks on that button like: "Show me fare" [button name], it will print the fare amount. If this is possible, then please let me know how can I create that into excel. Thanks/ Regards Gautam Sehdev
  4. G

    Need help on Conditional Formating

    Hey Vijay, I've tried as you suggested and it's working absolutely fine. Thanks for your great help. Also, could you please describe/ explain me the functioning of this formula so that next time I can apply it by myself. I mean to say how exactly it's working ? What exactly it's doing.
  5. G

    Need help on Conditional Formating

    Thanks Vijay Sharma, I appreciate your help. I will give it a try and let you know how it goes. Thanks/ Regards Gautam Sehdev.
  6. G

    Need help on Conditional Formating

    Hey Chandoo, I'm a great fan of your website. You are doing the excellent work. I need your help in one case. Suppose column "F" contains the list of dictionary words and the corresponding column "G" contains their meanings like: "F1" contains word - "origin" and the corresponding column "G1"...