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  1. T

    Linking to external workbooks won't update

    Hi all, At my job we have a dozen Account Directors who all maintain their own revenue forecast workbook, and Finance uses a "Summary" workbook that links to all of these, so we can see all revenue for all Account Directors on one page. The workbooks are all password protected, and saved as MS...
  2. T

    Not sure which formula to use

    Ok! It's late in the US but I will try this at work tomorrow. Thank you again so much.
  3. T

    Not sure which formula to use

    The length of each project varies, so, some rows may have hours posted in each month, and several employees could be working on the same project (but not always at the same time), whereas another project may only have lasted a month. Does this help?
  4. T

    Not sure which formula to use

    oh, also the number of projects can vary - depending on the employee, as will the hours worked. Ultimately this is a question of resourcing, as I'm having trouble with employees spending too much time on projects that don't pay enough to cover their time. So I want something I can analyze...
  5. T

    Not sure which formula to use

    sure, thank you. I have not used SUMIFS before. The data is imported from monthly timesheets, so: Column A is the employee name (from the timesheet) Column B is the project Column C-G are the monthly hours (Column C is July, D is August, E is Sept, etc) Column H is the Total Hours from July...
  6. T

    Not sure which formula to use

    Am still learning a bit on excel, so appreciate your help. I have 15 employees, each working on numerous projects. I want to see what % of time they are spending on each project, for each employee, from July-Nov. I had just used a list of employee names (let's just say in Column C) in rows 1-15...