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Search results

  1. E

    I can't get an exact match...

    Thanks for the advice on the formula also.
  2. E

    I can't get an exact match...

    I actually tried typing them in manually, but I thought maybe the paste job reformatted the cells, so I deleted the columns and started over. It still didn't work. It has something to do with the odd numbers. All the multiples of five work fine, but anything that isn't a multiple of five gives...
  3. E

    I can't get an exact match...

    Chihiro, you are correct. They were calculated then pasted in. I never knew that would cause a problem. I will check that for sure now. Thanks so much.
  4. E

    I can't get an exact match...

    Thank you for the help. My initial thought was the format of the numbers was incorrect, but I have cleared the numbers and put them back in several times, but it didn't work. It never occurred to me to use math, but that worked just fine. I would be curious to find out what the problem was one...
  5. E

    I can't get an exact match...

    Hello all, I am trying to use index/match, and I am having trouble getting an exact match. If I set the match to 1, I get a result, but it is incorrect. If I set the match to 0, I get an error. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. The formula I am trying to use is...
  6. E

    Sum of cells containing text and numbers combined

    Wow, that was so easy. Thanks you so much. I understand the 1*left function instructs excel to look to the left of the cell, but what is the ,1 at the end of the range signify? Also, if i had a cell that just contained ABC, how do i keep the formula from returning an error now?
  7. E

    Sum of cells containing text and numbers combined

    If i wanted to sum the cells of a row that contain 3 4 5 1-abc 4-abc, how would I make excel sum the total of all the numbers and the numbers before the hyphen in each cell. I am currently just getting the total of 12, but it should be 17. Easy one I know, but I can't seem to find the answer...
  8. E

    Addition formula

    Awesome, and thank you for the welcome. I have usually been able to find my answers with a search but this is the first time that I have had to actually post. That fixed my first two problems easily. Thank you so much.
  9. E

    Addition formula

    I am adding a range of cells =sum(A2:R2), and one of the cells in that range is pulling a number that has been input from another formula, so it is not adding that number into the final sum. The formula that it is pulling from looks like this: =IF(F2="Text",("8"),(F2)) Now if I do the...