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  1. R

    Summing columns with repetition

    Hi Guys. Like you rightly put it, IFERROR would have to feature somewhere to avoid violating the conditions for summing up the various subjects. I also realised that students could still be graded even with a compulsory subject missing (e.g any B:D). I had to use this formula to ensure an...
  2. R

    Summing columns with repetition

    Hi, Igot it! Your formula is perfect. The most important thing I've learnt is IFERROR. Was able to modify part two of step Q6 so that it looks like: =IFERROR(E6:G6,3),0) to skip subtracting O6. Was also able to put the formula together in a single cell. Mine finally looks thus...
  3. R

    Summing columns with repetition

    Hello, I like your approach of analysing the problem into parts. My effort was towards lumping all the formulae into one. I am trying to understand step Q6 though which really is the crux of the matter. I'll be sure to get back to you. Many thanks for your time.
  4. R

    Summing columns with repetition

    Hi, I am not quite familiar with VBA but I'll try to look into it. Meanwhile, whatever you can do please let me know. Good time and again thanks.
  5. R

    Summing columns with repetition

    Fine Narayan, Thanks for responding. ENG 33 KIS 46 MAT 54 BIO 55 PHY 67 CHEM43 HG78 GEO CRE HSC 34 AGR BST TOTAL (The numbers after the subjects are students marks) ENG, KIS, & MAT are compulsory, Group 2 comprises BIO, PHY & CHEM. A student can opt to do any two or all the three...
  6. R

    Summing columns with repetition

    Thanks Guys for the good work. I am writing though with a small problem. I want to sum students grades based on the choices of subjects they made. The situation is like this: Sum three compulsory subjects (Group 1), Choose best two of two or three in group 2, choose best one of two or three in...