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  1. T

    Easier Data Validation help

    Ok, I completed it. Not sure I am wrapping my simple mind around this matrix thing though(sorry:( ). http://hotfile.com/dl/136961760/c142711/MATRIX_OF_VALID_SCHEDULING.xlsx.html
  2. T

    Easier Data Validation help

    Can we make a matrix of possibilities ? Correct me if I am wrong , but you will start scheduling a driver from day 1 of your schedule ; on the first day , any time is possible , but thereafter , every day’s schedule will be validated against the previous day’s schedule. Is this correct ...
  3. T

    Easier Data Validation help

    Questions are not a problem. I just hope I can answer them clearly. It's 10:30 here, time to go home. I'll work on answers tomorrow. As always Thanks!
  4. T

    Easier Data Validation help

    Any Help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks
  5. T

    Easier Data Validation help

    That is a list of all employees in order of seniority. I eliminated all of them but John in order to simplify my question. 'ON Call' indicates a day which the driver is supposed to be available for call in just in case we have extra work or someone calls off sick. The driver should not be...
  6. T

    Easier Data Validation help

    Hello, and thanks soo much for your time. I would like to use Validation to ensure that I don't schedule an employee for a night shift and then the immediately succeeding or preceeding day shift and or visa versa. I am close to having what I want but some of the final details are giving me...
  7. T

    Calc miles in one column based on info in another

    You are a rock star!!!!! Thank you soooo much. Would it be possible to inbed this last formula into the first?
  8. T

    Calc miles in one column based on info in another

    Thanks, for the help, but..... I am sorry, I should have clearified, L9:l79 and M9:m79 are not part of the original report, they are part of my failed attempt to solve this problem. I will try you solution in L and M as I hope to find the most simple and efficient way to do this. I am not...
  9. T

    Calc miles in one column based on info in another

    Newbie here, thanks in advance for your help. Here is my sample WB http://hotfile.com/dl/136404528/302dca1/FMDetailedGPSReport_11_30_2011_(Autosaved).xlsm.html This had been filtered by the "Status" column when uploaded, please remove that filter to see what I am talking about. I am...