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  1. M

    Calculate time in MM:SS.00

    Removing the $ works perfectly. Thank you all for your help. Now here is the last item to make this a little more automated. I have times from several meets. I need to find the best time from all the meets and evaluate that time against regional qualifying time. If the best time is equal...
  2. M

    Calculate time in MM:SS.00

    Thanks for all of your help. The formula Luke suggested works great! Now, I"m not getting the conditional formatting correct. I used the formula's Luke provided above. Here is what I did: Selected "Use formula to decide which cells to format" Rule 1 is =$I$11<$H$11 Green Rule 2...
  3. M

    Calculate time in MM:SS.00

    Sorry - I pulled a real example of Minutes:Seconds.Milliseconds. The differences is the expected result. In example 1, the swimmer swam faster at the meet than the seed time. In example 2, the swimmer swam slower at the meet than the seed time. Example 1: Seed Time = 02:05.47 Meet...
  4. M

    Calculate time in MM:SS.00

    Hi Luke, Thanks for your response. I will try the =ABS(A1-A2) formula later today. The resulting value (time difference) is not being used in a calculation somewhere else. If we do, I'll try the helper row. Thanks! Will let you know how it goes.
  5. M

    Calculate time in MM:SS.00

    Hi Narayan, thanks for your response. The values are minutes:seconds.milliseconds. So to fix my previous example: EXAMPLE 1: Seed Time = 35:68.66 Actual Time = 34:32.44 EXAMPLE 2: Seed Time = 35:68.66 Actual Time = 37:97.02 Thanks
  6. M

    Calculate time in MM:SS.00

    I help coach a swim team, and we need to track the difference in a swimmers time from meet to meet. The time can improve or get worse. Then, we need to calculate the difference between the best time and the regional qualifying time. I've been using this method: EXAMPLE 1: Seed Time = 35.68...