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  1. N

    Concatenate Rows with limited Characters counts

    Wow, thats fantastic! Thanks for the help BD. Appreciate the help. Best regards,
  2. N

    Concatenate Rows with limited Characters counts

    BD, Thanks for your reply and code. I am sorry I did not post my reply any earlier due to work commitments. Would it be possible to have the column C to auto-generate once data are pasted in column A ? Thanks again and appreciate it.
  3. N

    Concatenate Rows with limited Characters counts

    Hi All, I hope my title is clear and appreciate all the help rendered. I am not sure what would be the best method either a vba or simple formula within excel would able to achieve the results I wanted. The task I would like to achieve is to be able to group certain series numbers and...
  4. N

    How to merge multiple rows to a single cell ?

    Thanks you very much prasaddn. Your method work just perfectly. I made 2 mistakes, one I did not filter duplicates from my original data and two, I did not wrap text for column F,G,H &I. Thanks again for your kind help. Best regards Nirmal
  5. N

    How to merge multiple rows to a single cell ?

    Hi Prasaddn, I have uploaded the sample file in google docs. I hope you can access it. https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B8gGf7qwRVbKODU1NjYyNWMtNDY4ZS00Y2ZkLTliOGUtOTIyOWI1ZGExMTQ4 Thanks and best regards, Nirmal
  6. N

    How to merge multiple rows to a single cell ?

    Hi Prasaddn, I tried your method, but it didn't seems to get the way I want it. Is there anyway, I can send you my sample file since you are not able to download it through dropbox? Thanks again. Best regards, Nirmal
  7. N

    How to merge multiple rows to a single cell ?

    Hi NARAYANK991, To clarify, 1. Yes. It should only have one entry. 2. No the merging should not be done for column A. Column A will have one data to correspond to various values in column B (within a cell). 3. Yes, if more values are in within column C , I need all the values to be...
  8. N

    How to merge multiple rows to a single cell ?

    Hi all, I am novice in Excel2007. I have been trying to figure out how to reorganize my original data which runs to 2k rows in to more visually friendly format. I need to merge duplicated data in column A, values in column B to be merged in a single cell and values of column C to transposed to...