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  1. I

    Setting up a complicated model... and dealing with iterative summing?

    @Narayan: 1. Indeed - and building ID in column A is the primary key 2. Yes, the same 10,000 buildings, and 5 sets of 4 columns each - I just wanted to keep the valuations separate from damage estimates 3. On Sheet 3 as it is right now, the computation would be done for a standalone...
  2. I

    Setting up a complicated model... and dealing with iterative summing?

    Dear all, So I have to set up a somewhat complicated model. Maybe someone can help me think through how to do it best? I am afraid I am about to set this up all incorrectly and then regret it later... Here is an overview: -- Sheet 1 has a list of unique buildings, 10000 of them. Each...