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  1. I

    Using conditional formatting in a sortable database

    Luke M: Would like to touch base with you if you provide excel consulting services. Go to www.AnnuityDoubleFeature.com, use the "Contact Us" link to send your info if interested. InsuranceSolutionsSoftware
  2. I

    Using conditional formatting in a sortable database

    Luke M: Yes disclaimers are as you outlined above. The reason I want to see if there is a conditional formatting solution, is because some of the footnotes have formulas and when using an IF statement, this information gets pretty tricky to formulate.
  3. I

    Using conditional formatting in a sortable database

    Luke M: No the disclaimers are at the bottom of the "report" not on the same record row...
  4. I

    Using conditional formatting in a sortable database

    Sorry...did not think about username length. I checked and am not able to change it now.
  5. I

    Using conditional formatting in a sortable database

    By the way...I solved the problem using a simple =if formula. I was just curious to see if there was an alternative solution using conditional formatting.
  6. I

    Using conditional formatting in a sortable database

    I have a multi-column database of annuity products that brokers can use to determine the best product for their client based on state approval and other criteria. In some cases brokers will "hide" (conditional formatting) products in the list that they do not want the client to even consider...