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Search results

  1. A

    Insert value into Adjacent Cell, when Hyperlink is Clicked

    Thanks very much for your help guys. Debraj - This is just a typical example of me over-thinking things, your code Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink) ActiveCell.Offset(, 1) = ActiveCell.Offset(, 1) * 1 + 1 End Sub works like a dream when the hyperlink is...
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    Insert value into Adjacent Cell, when Hyperlink is Clicked

    Hi folks I currently have a column (column D) with a list of names and the names are clickable with the =HYPERLINK() formula;- =IF($B7="","",IFERROR(HYPERLINK(A7,VLOOKUP(B7,Database!$A:$AH,12,0)&" "&VLOOKUP($B7,Database!$A:$AH,11,0)),"")) The cells all function and take me to the...
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    Tabbed Workbook Browsing within Excel - a la Firefox - using VBA?

    Thanks Hui! I haven't looked into the first item you mention in too much detail, but as far as I can tell, this is not really what I am looking for as it is pulling data from webpages into a single workbook, rather than opening up several windows for each page (please correct me if I...
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    Tabbed Workbook Browsing within Excel - a la Firefox - using VBA?

    Hi folks Does anyone know if it is possible to create a tabbed browsing interface for workbooks within Excel VBA? There are some add-ins available online which are (as far as I can tell) all 'pay-for' items but I was just wondering if this feature would be achievable in VBA? Most of the...
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    Am I too suspicious?

    Hi Don (Fori?) ;-) You may be right, however, I don't think there is any way of policing this unfortunately - I find these forums extremely helpful and although someone may just "give the code" to me to use in my project(s), I do try and go away and actually see what the code is doing rather...
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    Unlocking/locking ScrollArea when following Hyperlinks

    ok, the code I have (in my "IncidentsDashboard" WorkSheet so far is... 'Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Call LockScroll End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate() With Worksheets("IncidentsDashboard") ActiveSheet.ScrollArea = "" ScrollArea = "" End With End Sub...
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    Unlocking/locking ScrollArea when following Hyperlinks

    Thanks Luke This works, to a point... in that I can successfully navigate from "Dashboard" to "IncidentsDashboard" via my hyperlinks, and this successfully selects the correct range (in this instance "W40:AC55") "IncidentsDashboard" but when I select a hyperlink within the selected range...
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    Unlocking/locking ScrollArea when following Hyperlinks

    Hi all I have a "Dashboard" worksheet (menu) with hyperlinks to all schools within the area, each hyperlink goes to the appropriate section of an "IncidentsDashboard" tab which contains incidents of Bullying/Racism for a particular school - for example, clicking on the first school name will...
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    need some tips on some issues plzzz

    Hi Jenan Sorry, a bit late to this party I know, but according to;- http://www.dailydoseofexcel.com/archives/2004/12/22/page-of-pages-in-a-cell/ 1. can be achieved through careful use of a 'Defined Names' trick (and careful planning of course). Hope this helps, let me know if it isn't...
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    Code Streamlining and fixing

    Thanks Narayan & Hui - points taken guys and acted upon (well, mostly) regarding the rearranging of code. Dim's now all situated nicely at the top of the code, duplicate PrintPreview code now removed and tidied up a bit, etc., etc. - here is my revised code;- Sub Main() Dim Counter As Integer...
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    Code Streamlining and fixing

    Hi everyone Apologies in advance for the lengthy post, my code is quite long. Could someone please take a look at the code below for me and firstly, see if they can fix a couple of things that aren't quite working the way i want them to, and secondly, see if the code can be streamlined in...
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    Print to PDF using VBA and merge resulting PDFs into single document

    Hello there! I have managed to create a way of mail-merging in Excel using an earlier version of my code below, basically pulling in large amounts of data incrementally to the same template "form" and then printing each in turn to a PDF. However, what I wanted to do was try and combine/merge...
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    Generate dynamic report using a template and cycle through data on the fly

    I have decided to use the solution posted at http://www.j-walk.com/ss/excel/tips/tip92.htm, however, although this works wonderfully well, I would like to add the feature to print all pages as part of the same document, i.e. not separate print jobs as currently available using this method. Is...
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    Mail Merger

    Hi folks Sorry for the late response to this one, but I have only recently wanted to utilise this feature myself and came across this post. I have followed the instructions given at J-Walk as posted above and everything works beautifully, however, I would like to add the feature to print all...
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    Generate dynamic report using a template and cycle through data on the fly

    Thanks Luke, Yes cell "C49" counts the number of records which meet the SearchBox criteria and the main Database list (the whole database) is in range "$A$51:$BE$127". Unique Reference for each indicator starts in column "F" ("F51:F127"). The "Filtered List" (filtered from SearchBox...
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    Generate dynamic report using a template and cycle through data on the fly

    Hi everyone What I have is an "Index" Worksheet and a SearchBox that the user can use to search my database for certain keywords (Performance Indicator data). There is a cell underneath the SearchBox which contains a ValidationBox that is filtered/restricted to the values the user has...
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    Saving an Excel Workbook is SLOOOW - even with all VBA disabled

    Thanks Narayan Problem solved! After many, many, M A N Y hours of picking at it I have copied it all into a new workbook, copying and pasting in section by section (copying the entire data range seemed to still throw up an error). I still don't really know what the cause was as I had no...
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    Saving an Excel Workbook is SLOOOW - even with all VBA disabled

    Thanks Narayan I have sent a link to your email. Thanks for taking a look at it for me - as stated above, I think the main culprit is "Database2" Worksheet. Let me know how you get on. Alex
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    Saving an Excel Workbook is SLOOOW - even with all VBA disabled

    OK, I've tried all of hte above and I think I've tracked it down to one particular worksheet "Database2", but I don't quite know where to go from here as there is nothing particularly strange about it or out of the ordinary as far as I can tell. Would someone be able to look at it for me by...
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    Saving an Excel Workbook is SLOOOW - even with all VBA disabled

    Thanks guys, Yes I have made sure that the "data area" is restricted to only the area being used (no excessive blank rows/columns/cells). As a matter of fact, I even tried saving the file under a different file name and COMPLETELY deleting all data/formulaes/VBA/Conditional formats/formatting...
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    Saving an Excel Workbook is SLOOOW - even with all VBA disabled

    Hi I have an Excel Workbook which is working perfectly, however upon saving, it takes an AAAAGE to save - seriously, I could grow a full-on ZZ-Top style beard in the time it takes to save. My file is only around 500kb in size, and I have temporarily disabled all VBA to try and troubleshoot...
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    Prevent scrolling except when following hyperlink

    Thanks fella's I have gone with Luke's suggestion above with the following amendments (locking movement but with select range(s) allowed;- Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() ActiveSheet.ScrollArea = ActiveCell.Resize(26, 15).Address End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate() ScrollArea =...
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    Prevent scrolling except when following hyperlink

    Thanks Prasad and Luke - that sounds like the sort of thing I want, I will play around with both options and see which works best for me. Will try tomorrow as I am at home now. Cheers fellas!
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    Prevent scrolling except when following hyperlink

    Hi guys & gals Related to my other posts (in that it's the same spreadsheet I'm working on);- http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/change-in-cell-tickcheck-box-value-in-multiple-ranges-using-selectionchange and...
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    Set Data Validation Box to top value within search criteria

    EXCELLENT! That works! Thank you Luke and Prasad - much obliged.