Thanks SirJB7 for help. I upsize my formula by instead of doing "????xdhs", I include the first ? to "e???xdhs?", "h???xhds", and "m???xdhs" to exlcude "p???xdhs" to be counted twice. Is there any other way besides this?
I have the following formula that I would like to be shortened:
Can someone help me please? Besides, the formula will double deduct pepexdhs because falls into P*...
By putting in the loop, you only need to run the macro once. You should be able to use this macro as is.
Sub SortHorizontal()
Dim xRow As Integer
xRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Loop through each row to sort
For i = 2 To xRow
thank you so much. It works great. But may I ask if you also show me a formula so that I don't have to press the ctl + key shortcut in case I have thousands of records?
Thanks for your quick reply. But I have more than 2000 row to sort. It will take me a lot of time to do each one one at a time. Please show me a formula.
E1S E1S H1 AAA1 ME21 SL19
E1S E1S H1 AAA1 SL19 ME21
AAA1F H1 AAH1 E1 SL19 ME21
H1 E1 ME21 AAA1 AAH1 SL19
Can you help me write a formula to sort these text data horizontally?
Thank you so much.