In the attached sheet you will find how I am getting the time it takes a room temperature to go from H to L when the Air conditional goes ON then it shows how long it takes room temperatures go from L to H. The test data shows fake data to simplify testing.
I need to create a macro to do the...
what do You really have? see above
what do You like to have? a chart with TWO sliding indicators. By manually moving the TWO indicators I can define a period in time and the chart will display energy consumed within this two indicators.
Energy consumed is the sum of ch1_amps_avg for the given...
Glad to hear that. The table is really very simple for the purpose of this post.
Here are the last 5 records out of 264240 rows
year month day hour min ch1_amps_avg dt
264236 2023 8 21 16 27 0.228667 2023-08-21 16:27:00.000
264237 2023...
I have a table of two columns one is time stamp and the other is energy reading in kw. The time span of the readings is one year. I need to create a chart with TWO sliding indicators. By manually moving the TWO indicators I can define a period in time and the chart will display energy consumed...
You are GENIUS ( The most difficult design is a simple design)
You solved ALL my problems in a few lines.
Can you please prove me wrong in my last remark regarding dic.add and using range
Great response.
While waiting for a response, I did google research and got the solution for the IDE limitation. I need to add the Arabic Language to my keyboard.
Once w10 has it, I can input Arabic in the Editor AND use Debug.print to output Arabic. As for MsgBox there are a few solutions bit...
I have several financial forms in Arabic and I need to translate the Financial labels to English.
Google Translate was not specific enough; so I decided to use my own dictionary.
VBA has this powerful Dictionary Object.
The problem(s):
1. VBA Editor does not like Arabic characters...
The problem cannot be solved by formulas.....( in my view ), so VBA is the solution.
After all, it IS a programming language....So, I need an approach to the problem that can be implemented using VBA. Remember I asked for general help may be when I do some code I will come back with coding...
I need some general help in approaching this problem.
Let say the bank gives you 11.25 % on your saving account. The problem is your saving account balance VARIES during the physical month, so the rule is the bank apply the interest on the MINIMUM balance during the month.
For example ( taken...
Great ....So:
I will separate the two kind of expenses and keep anything to do with CC in a separate sheet. The other sheet will take care of else. This one I see no problem with.
Back to the CC sheet, I will record everything present and future AND
at any time I will be able to see the effect...
The short answer: amount used. Payment is Only on the 25th of the month and in FULL ( according to the cc rules).
The long answer is:
The OUT column shows present AND future payments(e.g Cable subscription for the next 3 month) Also includes any future fixed charges. Any expenses current and...
The reason for picking the VBA forum, is I need to do some programming to "relocate" the cc transaction on hand. Your formula IS a starting point.
Also, the reason I did not post my current WB; is I did not address the issue on hand. Namely when I record cc transaction It should be checked and...
I have a basic personal cash flow workbook.
Sheet 1 has the bank balance AND the amount I owe to my 2 credit cards.
I pay my CC's in FULL at a fixed monthly due date
The second sheet contains the cash flow for say 3 month ahead.
Any Income I get I record, as well any expense.
Here is the...
Your last point is critical and I will spend sometime to cleanup and report back.
As for the project, these numbers are timing data from your IR Remote Control.
Yes, we all have several of these laying around and I want to cosolidate all into one , idealy my smart phone. If you wonder how these...
Good show...You did it.
It has been a pleasure working with you on this project of mine.
Your simple approach and perseverance led to success. Now I can persue the rest of this project having automated this part.
If you are curious about the project I will be more than happy to fill you in...
I used notepad++ so I can SEE the tabs.
First I pasted the clipboard and the tab shown very clrealy.
Then I opened the file I just sent you. AGAIN Tab was EXACTLY the SAME in BOTH FILES.
The mistry continue.... If you use the loop you wrote , VBA display 9 when...