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Search results

  1. H

    Adding Google Maps to Dashboards

    pob Many thanks for taking the time to put together the demo - I give it a go and if I have any issues I'll get back to you. Thanks
  2. H

    Adding Google Maps to Dashboards

    Dear All I would like to display a google map of a particular location which the dashboard will be analysing figures for - just another level of visualisation. I will have five location in total and each will be activated by a drop down menu - for instance if location A is selected the...
  3. H

    Chart to illustrate a group of Customer Payment terms

    Forum Members Thank you very much for taking the time to offer suggestions - all suggestions I will take away and work with. I'm trying to put together a credit dept dashboard and this element will form a small part of the data to be included. I would be interested in anyone who has create...
  4. H

    Chart to illustrate a group of Customer Payment terms

    A quick question posed around what is the best way to graphically represent the following data - I have around 700 customers with payments terms (Pre-pay (Zero days) to 60 days)and I want to graphically show this, ideally showing each customer within the graphic. The idea is to show distribution...
  5. H

    Bubble Charts on top of a map

    First of all thank you very much for the responses. dan_I - I saw this acticle the other week and they mentioned tableau software so wondered if it is possible to do the same job in excel. From Hui comments it looks like it can and seems pretty straight forward. I agree the acticle on...
  6. H

    Bubble Charts on top of a map

    I'm currently trying to create a bubble chart for a dashboard based on volume numbers from several locations across the UK. Once the bubble is complete can I overlay the data points onto a map of the UK within excel without using third party software. If it is possible to create this I would...