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Search results

  1. A

    Set reverse order of a several rows in column using formula

    I do not want to sort any data but want the original list in inverse order; i.e., bottom-up approach.
  2. A

    Set reverse order of a several rows in column using formula

    Hello Friends, I have entered data in a propriety software of our company and the first data entered gets stored in it as last row. Data entry 1: Row 1 : 2315 Data entry 2: Row 1 : 2715 Row 2 : 2315 and so on. The data entered is random and I cannot sort it in anyway to get it back in...
  3. A

    Birthday wish

    Aratrika, You have to identify the common field names first,i.e., Emp name /EmpID between two worksheets. Name ranges to the columns containing common field name in cell[A] & DOB cell[B] from "Define names" say DOB_RANGE. Now use vlookup to extract the values based on common field name...
  4. A

    Multiple search options from datatable in excel

    Thanks guys for your suggestions. I'll surely work on both these ideas to see which ones easier.
  5. A

    Multiple search options from datatable in excel

    Hello All, First of all I should thank Chandoo for his excellent work which I have silently followed up since late 2009. I have made a master data table which comprises of almost 6000 rows, each row containing very important employee info.I was trying to build a "Search"-option on the top...