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Search results

  1. R

    Working with Templates and Template protection

    A Simple Solution = Put it on a read-only shared folder. :-)
  2. R

    Changing one cell or Another

    Try this. =IF(CELL("format",C1)="P0",A1*C1,TEXT(C1/A1,"0%")) Sample is uploaded at https://skydrive.live.com/view.aspx?cid=FC7700310D509404&resid=FC7700310D509404%21136
  3. R

    Pivot Table Not Playing Nice

    Can you share your file? Image file shows only the problem, no solution..!!
  4. R

    Box H9 doesn't work

    In the custom cell formatting, instead of "hh:mm", enter "dd hh:mm" So, now it will show "01 04:00" instead of "04:00".
  5. R

    Pivot Table Not Playing Nice

    Prima facie, I think you need to update data source of the pivot table. Your pivot is not picking up on Aug/ July data. Update data source by clicking on Option > Change Data Source. However, you can upload it in Sky drive/ Rapid-share or similar sites, for better understanding..
  6. R

    Box H9 doesn't work

    Whenever your total of hh:mm goes above 24 hours, it will not show 25:00 but will show 1:00, for example. Also, even though it shows 1:00, value under hood is still equal to 25:00, hence if you want to do something with this value it will still behave as 25:00. it has nothing to with H9, but...
  7. R

    Re-purpose Data from rows to columns

    Does this help?? https://skydrive.live.com/view.aspx?cid=FC7700310D509404&resid=FC7700310D509404!135 I know it's a lazy way of doing it, but it does the job.