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  1. T

    Hiding and Displaying Data from other worksheets on a common sheet

    Thanks! I will let you know how it goes. Tom D
  2. T

    Hiding and Displaying Data from other worksheets on a common sheet

    Thanks Luke. I think I will try your first suggestion. I looked at the INDIRECT function but can't see how I can copy a range of cells since its format is: INDIRECT(ref_text,a1) and seems to point at a single cell. Unless you are suggesting the use of INDIRECT to point to the sheet I want...
  3. T

    Hiding and Displaying Data from other worksheets on a common sheet

    Luke, thanks for your reply. Let me try to explain. On the first sheet I have 14 rows that have feature categories and 20 columns that contain more specific feature detail. Let me use a simple example of a car manufacturer. The rows would be items such as engine, tires, transmission...
  4. T

    Hiding and Displaying Data from other worksheets on a common sheet

    I have 4 different software products that have some common and some unique features. I have about 10 rows and about 20 column headings that display these features with an "x" in the row/column cell if a product has that feature. I want to be able to click a button label at the top of the...