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Search results

  1. O

    Copying and naming WS with VBA

    This sounds so simple that I can’t believe I haven’t been able to do it. I need to create a workbook with the same calendar template copied onto separate worksheets for each week of the year. Each WS needs to be named based on the last date of the week (e.g., 1-7-2012, 1-14-2012, etc.). It seems...
  2. O

    Multiple lookups

    Thanks very much, Luke. I've been playing with it for a couple of hours, but there are still some glitches due to the dates. I think the problem is that the same driver can have multiple licenses on the same day, so I can't seem to do a clean sort. When I figure out what's happening, I'll post...
  3. O

    Multiple lookups

    This question refers to a sample file available at: http://www.speedyshare.com/files/30595873/License_Lookup_for_Chandoo_Forum.xls. There are columns showing the name of a driver, the type of license each driver has, and the date each license was received. I need to determine if there was...
  4. O

    Macro to copy content from same cell on each WS into new column?

    Brilliant! That did the trick. I hit a minor snag and got a compile error, so I changed Worksheet to Worksheets & it worked a treat. Thanks a million, Luke.
  5. O

    Macro to copy content from same cell on each WS into new column?

    Thanks so much, Luke. It's almost there. The only thing I need to tweak is the name. This gives the name of each sheet, rather than the contents of cell A3 from each sheet. I'll play around and let you know how I make out. Thanks for giving me a jumping off point!
  6. O

    Macro to copy content from same cell on each WS into new column?

    I have a report that comes to me with the worksheet names already generated from the contents of cell A3 on each WS. Unfortunately, the majority of them exceed 31 characters, so the names are so similar as to be useless: 2011 YTD Total Product Replacemen_1 2011 YTD Total Product Replacemen_2...