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Search results

  1. A

    Can I select specific words form a group of words from one cell

    Sirjb7 Thank you... This will suffice my requirement.
  2. A

    Can I select specific words form a group of words from one cell

    Sir, One cell has a free flow text with some inputs which is standard. Is there any way, I can pick only those standard words. Example Have posted to Street 1, on jan 2012 - I need to extract only street 1 to a different column.
  3. A

    Conver DD.MM.YYYY into DD/MM/YYYY

    Hi, I have the data format in dd.mm.yyyy. Please advise me how to convert it to DD/MM/YYYY. Thank you
  4. A

    Convert Day:hour:Minute:Sec to hours

    Thank you. It works.
  5. A

    Convert Day:hour:Minute:Sec to hours

    Hi, I have data in the format Day:hour:Minute:Sec (Example: 002:22:10:02 which means 2 days, 22 hours, 10 minutes and 02 seconds) Need help in converting this into Hours Thank you Akilan
  6. A

    Calculate time difference with specific criteria

    Thank you. It really helped me solve the problem
  7. A

    Calculate time difference with specific criteria

    Hi, How do I calculate time difference. This is the format in which I have the data (Given below). I need to add two criteria. 1. The clock should start at 9 AM and end at 6 PM 2. The clock should stop on Friday 6 PM and start again only on Monday at 9 AM. 01/03/2011 03:17:00 PM 07/03/2011...