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Search results

  1. M

    Eliminate Duplicates and Total Other Data Associated

    I've created a Project Management Resource Log in which we ask each employee to list their weekly activities, the activity's start and end dates, assign an "effort" level to the activity (1 thru 3), and choose from a list of pre-defined projects the activities are performed for. This makes for...
  2. M

    Highlighting Duplicates When Values Are Text

    I have downloaded evaluation data into Excel and I have instances where the same person took the evaluation twice. I want to highlight those instances to call attention to them. The problem is this: my columns of data don't offer enough unique data to differentiate. The most I can come up...
  3. M

    Project Management Dashboards - Lookup/Count Text Values

    Ok, I think I did this right... https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvAHPuOT-0hddE83NEJpVU1LdW9sRTliclJXTkNCQ1E&hl=en_US#gid=0 That's my link. I'm SURE I'm making this more complicated than it needs to be? I'm after MANY things as it turns out :) My boss would like a...
  4. M

    Project Management Dashboards - Lookup/Count Text Values

    Thank you for the help, I tried using this formula, but it doesn't give me all I need. Yes, I need to count unique/duplicate values, but I also need to return the name of the unique values and only 1 instance of the duplicate value... I'm thinking I need a lot of helper columns and a few...
  5. M

    Project Management Dashboards - Lookup/Count Text Values

    I have a table of projects that fall into four different "project type" categories - Column A. Then I have the actual project name itself in Column B. Some of the project names are almost identical (except for a course number). I'm trying to count how many different projects I have in each...
  6. M

    Change Views in Excel

    Is it possible to change views based on which user is accessing a spreadsheet? Or... can you give Groups in an Outline a name? I'm trying to make a large database of project tasks fit any type of project we have... :|