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Search results

  1. S

    VBA: Watching a cell for format changes

    Sorry, didn't know that. The danger with events like Change and SelectionChange is that they occur very often. I always try to run the check as soon as possible in the event, use a button or set the macro to run every few minutes to keep the workbook running smooth. I'm not sure the third...
  2. S

    Macro Ranges.. 2 questions

    Can you post a sample of your project? It's easier to understand and work with. http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook
  3. S

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi, My name is Stefan. I've been playing with Excel and VBA for a number of years. For the last 2 years, i've made a number of Excel-programs for work. I found Chandoo a couple of weeks ago and found it really helpfull. Now looking to contribute and once in a while ask a question. Stefan
  4. S

    VBA: Watching a cell for format changes

    You can store the current format somewhere on your sheet. With the Worksheet "on change"-event you can check if the two are still the same.