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  1. K

    VBA - WeekDay(Now) function giving Compile Error

    Hi Alanj, find below right code for your requirement.. will not show compile error.. Sub Main() Dim SubToCall As String Select Case Application.WeekDay(Now) Case 1, 7: SubToCall = "Weekday" Case Else: SubToCall = "Weekend" End Select Application.Run SubToCall End Sub Sub Weekend()...
  2. K


    Hi ahhhmed, Please use the below formula and will get right ans for your Qus.. For Year =DATEDIF(E12,TODAY(),"y") =DATEDIF(StartDate,EndDate,"y") For Months =DATEDIF(E12,TODAY(),"ym") =DATEDIF(StartDate,EndDate,"ym") For Days =DATEDIF(E12,TODAY(),"md")...
  3. K

    COUNTIF and SUMIFS in Excel 2003

    Hi Eriqp, Please use the below formula in excel 2003 then you will Definitely get the right count of the data as per the given condition. =SUMPRODUCT(($I$2:$I$1001="FLUID")*($J$2:$J$1001<>"VERIFIED")*(LEFT($L$2:$L$1001,1)="Y")) Regards, Krishna 9560305552