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Search results

  1. M

    How can I change the Standard Colors in excel 2007?

    Hi Hui, I have gone through all this things, can you check out this link. It will better explain ma favor... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkXnKPQ4UCmhdGNIMmFOQXBlR1RNUUZneWMtUWdtY0E
  2. M

    How can I change the Standard Colors in excel 2007?

    Thanks Hui, but I am not looking for this kind of stuff. I want to change the particular "Standard Colors" in MS Excel 2007 provided by Microsoft.. May be it is not possible through manual, but can you provide me some "VBA Coding" so that I can apply it in my template...
  3. M

    How can I change the Standard Colors in excel 2007?

    I have tried replacing all colors in excel option and saved as a template. It is showing me my modified color, but I want to change the standard colors provided by microsoft. Kindly help me to get rid of this... Many Thanks in advance....
  4. M

    How to color even or odd row - if some cells are mered in between

    Thnx Hui, This is working for me. Great help.:)
  5. M

    How to color even or odd row - if some cells are mered in between

    Hi Hui, Thanx for your reply, I have already tried the =iseven(row)) with my excel sheet. But I want to do it with the mereged cells. it is a client request to be merged the first four colums and rows. Tell me if you know any alternative way. Link for Excel File...
  6. M

    How to color even or odd row - if some cells are mered in between

    Hi Chandoo I need your help in some of my task. I hilighted each even rowns manually and it is very time consuming, is it possible to do it through some trick. The first four column are merged this is a problem for me otherwise I would have put a iseven() function. I have added the testing...
  7. M

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi, Myself Manish chauhan, I am working in wordls's leading KPO's for more than 5 years as a presentation specialist. Here I have seen lost of tips & trick for MS-Excel, want to enhance my skill in excel. Thanks & Regards, Chauhan