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Search results

  1. L

    Adjusting column width

    Thanks, I will check.
  2. L

    Adjusting column width

    Dear Sir, I got an Excel work sheet with some data and format.When I try to reduce the column width it gives error message " cannot shift object off sheet". But I can increase the column width. What is the meaning of this error message and how can I reduce column width? Thanks
  3. L

    Coloring cells of a given range

    Hi, This is my question. I want to color range of cells in a raw numbered 1 to 100. If I give two values in two cells ( say 43 & 67) in another location I need to color cells in that raw starting from number 43 to 67 (24 cells in same color) . Please advise which formula I can use for this. Thanks!
  4. L

    Columns rows

    what are the units of column width & raw height and relation to each other? How can use these units in relation to real units (c.m. & inches)