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Search results

  1. eibi

    Itemized Output Table from Batch Input Table

    Friends -- Take a look at the attached sample spreadsheet. Given a set of input keyed in the grey boxes, I am looking for a drag-to-fill formula for the orange cells. In the Itemized Output (orange cells), each item repeats as many times as indicated in the corresponding grey box. The final...
  2. eibi

    Maximum size of Match (,array)?

    Everybody: I'm trying to execute an Index(,Match) operation -- the lookup_array is 100,000 rows of data...sorted ascending. But my match function seems to fail after testing row 87,500...So if the lookup_value happens to be on the 87,501st row (or later), the match function automatically...
  3. eibi

    Auto fill 4 years of time in 30 minute increments [SOLVED]

    Friends, I need to tabulate a large volume of data -- which is essentially a set of utility meter readings for every half hour increment over a 4 year period. As I set up the sheets, I want to auto fill the left column with a date/time stamp for each half hour increment, like so: 1/1/10 0:00...
  4. eibi

    Print in Top Right of printable space (instead of Top Left)

    Hey everybody -- a page layout question: When printing, Excel (by default) aligns the print area with the Top Left page margin. The Page Setup->Margins menu gives the option to Center the print area Horizontally or Vertically, which I find a helpful function. Today, though, I want my print...
  5. eibi


    Given the data in range A1:B6: black, 2 brown, 1 green, 3 orange, 6 pink, 3 purple, 2 and a set of test values in range D1:D10 green purple pink orange purple brown black green orange pink When I create an array formula: {=MATCH(D1:D10,A1:A6,0)} The formula returns an array...
  6. eibi

    "Click" hyperlink without mouse?

    I'm setting up a workbook with several forms for coworkers to fill out. I want the forms to be set up so that my coworkers can tab between cells and complete the whole book with minimal 'mousing'. On a "normal" form (such as a web-based form), a user can simply Tab through the blanks to the...
  7. eibi

    Fetching row and column headers for a series of TRUE cells

    There is a department in our firm that provides me with input for new projects in this format: Based on the cells that include a "y", I compile a new worksheet and send it to another department for pricing: I'd like to link these forms with formulas so that changes to the information on...
  8. eibi

    Referencing the Bottom Right cell of fluctuating PivotTable

    I have set up PivotTable1 on Sheet 1. The Pivot Table automatically provides a Grand Total in the Bottom Right cell. This Pivot Table references a set of data that is frequently updated, so each time the table is refreshed, it has a different number of rows -- sometimes more, sometimes less...