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  1. K

    If ... Then

    One more prob bro... I want To apply the formula from A3 to A15..... C3 to C15 Tried but didn't get it
  2. K

    If ... Then

    U R The Man Wookie... It Worked Perfectly... Thanks
  3. K

    If ... Then

    Thanks Guys And Sorry For The Troubles... What I Actaullay Wants Is When I Type The Letter "T" In (A3), Cell (C3) Should Show The Formula "=Sum(D3+E3)" Using VBA And Do The Calculation. That's My Primary Goal. My secondary Goal Is When (A3) Is Other Than "T" or blank, (C3) Should become blank.
  4. K

    If ... Then

    not working Compile Error Invalide Outside Procedure
  5. K

    If ... Then

    Hi, This Is very Simple But Not For Me.. I Want A VBA Code For: If Cell A3="T" Then Cell C3 To Write A Formula (eg: sum(a+b))
  6. K

    Removing only the first numbers from a mixed cell

    thanks man... so short and so sweet.. and works perfectly
  7. K

    Removing only the first numbers from a mixed cell

    hi... What I'm trying to do is, I want to remove only the first numbers from a mixed cell, example: Cell A2 states: 23 pkts x 20 gms Cell A3 States: 440 cans x 200 ml I want Cell C2 to say: 23 AND C3 to say: 440 I'm using this formula by the way, but its not what i actually wants...
  8. K

    Cell Protection/Modification

    Ok I've got it. I've solved the first problem but now I'm having another problem... I can't check the "select unlocked cells" Only in protect workbook, causing everyone to select all the cells in the sheet.... I want everyone to select only the cells they are allowed to edit but cannot move...
  9. K

    Cell Protection/Modification

    i tried and tried... didn't get it... is there another way
  10. K

    Cell Protection/Modification

    Hi Guys, I'm having trouble with a cell which I want to protect from moving by others when protected but they can edit and write anything in it... is this possible??? I couldn't find how...
  11. K

    Multiple Criteria Vlookup Function

    That was awesome... it worked perfectly well.. thanks man...
  12. K

    Multiple Criteria Vlookup Function

    the first one is exactly what's on my mind... could you pls help me
  13. K

    Multiple Criteria Vlookup Function

    The Actual Thing I Want To Do IS I Want (B5) To Say True When It Is A Holiday From The List Below.. And I Put (I56)"Jul-Aug" And write down the holidays in that time (I57 to I67) 15, 18, 20 …. Next in (J56)"Aug-Sep" And Write Down The Holidays In That Time And So On.... In (I2) Is The Month I...
  14. K

    Multiple Criteria Vlookup Function

    My Formula result is Always FALSE
  15. K

    Multiple Criteria Vlookup Function

    Thanks guys.... Maybe I wasn't very good in asking the question... You see, the top row is actually A B and C... ie. Products A B and C... and from A2 the numbers begin... So how to put the formula??
  16. K

    Multiple Criteria Vlookup Function

    it doesn't work... it's always FALSE... I'm wondering why you guys are not selecting the table A1:C3
  17. K

    Multiple Criteria Vlookup Function

    Hi… Need help in this… Suppose I'm having some numbers in columns A,B,C. In colum A I have 2,5, 10 In B I have 3, 5, 26 and in C I have 6, 8, 12 What I want to do is In D1, when I say "B" and E1, "4" F1 should tell me if the number 4 is in the column B numbers and return True if true and false...
  18. K

    IF Then Using VBA

    hello again guys... need some more help in this... Now I want to put a check box in column b linking to cells in column A.... i want to change the values in column D when i check/uncheck the boxes... column A changes True/False when I check and uncheck the boxes, but column D doesn't change...
  19. K

    IF Then Using VBA

    GCExcel it worked perfectly... I added If Target = False Then Target.Offset(0, 3) = 0 to get what I wanted... thanks guys
  20. K

    IF Then Using VBA

    no can't do that Mr.Hui... Actually Column D is an input column related to column A... The idea is that i put numbers in column d cells... but when cells in column A is true... column D cells should be blank... and when A is false, D should be 0 and then i could put another number in D...
  21. K

    IF Then Using VBA

    Hello... What I'm Trying To Do is Say, d5:d10 = numbers say 2 to 6 I want D5:D10 to change its contents to blank"" when A5:a10 = true example.. if A7 = true ... D7 should be " ".... and when a7 = false D7 should be 0 I know i should use a macro but couldn't figure out how Thanks in advance...
  22. K

    Dynamic Named Range

    No. that's not the problem... I've mailed u the original workbook... Pls take a look... Some cells are crazy even though I write the correct formula..
  23. K

    Dynamic Named Range

    Hello... Little help needed to make this simple formula to work =IF(C5="","",(VLOOKUP(C5,List,COLUMN(Database!L$3)-7,1))) my problem is that excel is limiting my named range "list". How to fix it
  24. K

    Average of the last three

    that solve the "0" problem but it takes the average of all the numbers.... i want to get the average of the last 3 numbers only as i keep adding new columns
  25. K

    Average of the last three

    hello thanks chippy.. but a little problem it does calculate even when there are 2 numbers or one... but only when the other cells are blanks... can't even put a zero there.... but the blanks should be zeroes :-(