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Search results

  1. NBVC

    Formula for Passed Upcoming and Paid dates

    This is the formula to put in M3: =IF(ISTEXT(Q3),Q3,IF(Q3<>"","Paid",IF(ISBLANK(L3),"",IF(L3<TODAY(),"Overdue",IF(TODAY()>=L3-3,"Becoming Due","Not Due"))))) copied down
  2. NBVC

    Formula for Passed Upcoming and Paid dates

    It should work. I tested it. What failed?
  3. NBVC

    Formula for Passed Upcoming and Paid dates

    Great, thanks. Try: =IF(ISTEXT(Q13),Q13,IF(Q13<>"","Paid",IF(ISBLANK(L13),"",IF(L13<TODAY(),"Overdue",IF(TODAY()>=L13-3,"Becoming Due","Not Due")))))
  4. NBVC

    Formula for Passed Upcoming and Paid dates

    I can't reply without you obiding by the rules first and posting where you have crossposted with links to them....
  5. NBVC

    Formula for Passed Upcoming and Paid dates

    You can switch first 2 arguments... =IF(Q13<>"","Paid",IF(ISBLANK(L13),"",IF(L13<TODAY(),"Overdue",IF(TODAY()>=L13-3,"Becoming Due","Not Due"))))
  6. NBVC

    Formula for Passed Upcoming and Paid dates

    Try: =IF(ISBLANK(L13),"",IF(Q13<>"","Paid",IF(L13<TODAY(),"Overdue",IF(TODAY()>=L13-3,"Becoming Due","Not Due"))))
  7. NBVC

    Dates display in filters

    Did you consider the start/end date filtering?
  8. NBVC

    Dates display in filters

    You can also use the Custom feature to filter, and select Is greater than or equal to, and enter start date of the month, then select AND and select Is less than or equal to, and enter end date of the month.