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Search results

  1. R

    Horizontal scroll w/ mousewheel...

    Hi everyone. In google chrome, if you hold SHIFT and use the mousewheel, you can scroll horizontally. Is there a way to do this in excel, by holding down a key? I already know of the pressing the mousewheel in and moving the mouse, but i dislike that method cause the scroll overshoots a...
  2. R

    Moving/dragging the blue selection bar without mouse

    hello Lets say you have values from A1:A5, and you want to sum these in A6. However, in A6 lets say by accident we summed to A4 instead of A5, so we have the formula, =SUM(A1:A4). NOW, if we want to select A5, the usual way I would do it is highlight A6 with my mouse, then a BLUE SELECTION...