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  1. A

    Userform Login for Multiple Level User

    Hi Deepak, appreciate your great efforts to support my request Afarag,
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    Userform Login for Multiple Level User

    what about of Login activities. this workbook is shared and uses by 200 employees and more daily so that there is a unlimited numbers of "users" (Login&change) activities per day. I ask if this activities will be cleared every 3 days to replaced by the new, as i didn't need more than 3 days...
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    Userform Login for Multiple Level User

    Deepak, Respect, it's really what i looking for to do only what can i add, when insert user name and passcode will move to "Month" sheet. thanks a lot,
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    Userform Login for Multiple Level User

    @Deepak , It's amazing really this sheet do fabulous work. there's some issues that hope if applied >> "Interface" sheet want to be visible permanently for all levels user >> i want also "Admin"&"Creator" activities be available in "Login" sheet in (J&K) columns by Username and action time...
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    Userform Login for Multiple Level User

    @Deepak take your time :).
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    Userform Login for Multiple Level User

    Hello, I have a shared workbook which uses by multiple users, i ask to set a user form login have a different authorization level. this workbook have 6 spreadsheets. 1st sheet: is the interface contain login image that when hit it the Userform Login popup 2nd sheet: called SLA Calendar...
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    color matched day in calendar

    @Somendra Misra , actually this problem isn't founded at all the months. after more than one try, i found this wrong calculation in Feb,may, jun, Aug, Oct and Nov months
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    color matched day in calendar

    Sorry @Somendra Misra regardless of the second request, i can overlook it, but i face an error at worksheet calculation, this sheet let me determine the last working day for a period i filled it in the colored cell above for each month calender in steps: insert the period eg: 15, then hit the...
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    color matched day in calendar

    @Audi, Thanks a lot for your great support. what a bout of disable ribbon pars, i checked before from http://www.rondebruin.nl and get this code but it's not applied to hide ribbon pars Dim Rib As IRibbonUI Dim MyTag As String 'Callback for customUI.onLoad Sub RibbonOnLoad(ribbon As...
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    color matched day in calendar

    Dears, I have a calender published from this awesome site I use in other path to calculate working day, in other sheet i inserted Vacation days, i ask to every inserted day in this list, its calendar cell will be in red color to specialize them. this list in "SYSUSE" sheet and it in range...
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    insert UDF in Pivot calculated field

    Dears, thanks in advance, i'm sure you will help, I get it answered in avoiding using UDF in pivot, i used 2 helper columns 1: to sum, 2: to count interior cell colors, then using calculated field "=Sum /(Count *15)" partly it's a simple solution but get request handled. Thanks,
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    insert UDF in Pivot calculated field

    Hi, Please i ask for help that i have a VBA that let me count the interior cell colors as below: Function sum_color(myRange As Range, myColor As Range, Optional myType = 0) As Double Dim summ As Double Dim clr As Long clr = myColor.Interior.Color summ =...
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    Retrieve AVERAGEIFS across multiple workbooks

    Hi all, is there any available support please,
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    Retrieve AVERAGEIFS across multiple workbooks

    no problem,if needed, i post the other 2 files that will retrieve the data from, but the "Main"sheet isn't useful to this request it's just to let you know how can i extract this sheets to retrieve outcomes from it after that, furthermore i can't upload it as it sized more than 3M Gratefully,
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    Retrieve AVERAGEIFS across multiple workbooks

    Hi Debraj, the actual required file that ask to retrieve a data called "YTD retrieve Adherence" thanks,
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    Retrieve AVERAGEIFS across multiple workbooks

    as usual you are provide us with the perfect solutions. i need some help in VBA that help me building a "retrieving data" sheet. i have till now 4 workbooks, 1st:>> that called "Main" it's the master workbook that i build my calculations to get my outcomes and by this workbook i migrate a sheet...
  17. A

    paste data to a new workbook

    Shrivallabha, yup, you are right when changing the date format it migrated to a new workbook, Now every month in a independence workbook. Great work you have been provided Gratefully,
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    paste data to a new workbook

    Hi Shrivallabha, the 1st point related if new workbook title is solved. but the 2nd point when migrate a sheets have a new month as a title want to move it to a new workbook but not the same migrated workbook that contain previous month. As per above image i moved to sheets in Jun month in a...
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    paste data to a new workbook

    Hi Shrivallabha, great work your code is doing. i need to clarify a point hope to add it to this code, >> as i clarified this migrated sheets is titled with a dates, i ask if every new month will migrate to a new workbook eg: if i have migrate sheets titled 1-6-2014, 2-6-2014, ... 30-6-2014...
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    paste data to a new workbook

    Hi, Please i ask for help as i have a sheet that i update daily, with each update an VBA migrate it to a new sheet at the same workbook, this code use a specific cell "contain date with this format ("dd-mmm-yyyy") eg:(17-Jul-2014) as a title to the new sheet. i want to migrate this sheets...
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    find duplicated value to modify

    Hi Debraj, your formula too get the exact answer, thanks
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    find duplicated value to modify

    Yup i noticed that so that cleared the post
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    find duplicated value to modify

    as usual Audi you have get it answered Gratefully,
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    find duplicated value to modify

    i want to split some data as per its duplicate: i have 2 row, 1st include "Activities" eg: Excuse, Meeting and coaching. 2nd row have IDs. i want add anther row contain if An ID have the same activity 3 times eg "Excuse", want to modify the activity name to be first one be Excuse, 2nd will be...