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  1. A

    retrieve data via VBA

    @ deepak appreciate your support in handling an important request, in the "deduction" sheet there is a column that called "TL" this column contain the leaders for the employee teams, i need to create another user form contain 3 field > 1st: for Leader user > 2nd: for Password > 3ed...
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    retrieve data via VBA

    as usual great work, it's perfect gratefully,
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    retrieve data via VBA

    yup i want the source schedule still with all columns shown, but when retrieve the data, retrieve only the mentioned columns Thanks a lot
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    retrieve data via VBA

    @Deepak sorry for back to the sheet again, after checked it more than one time, it's perfect. i have another concern, due to the schedule source in "Deduction" sheet is connected in other sheet and want to review the schedule with all shown columns, so that i need if retrieve the data for...
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    retrieve data via VBA

    @Deepak i'm finally get what you are providing Great Job Thanks a lot,
  6. A

    retrieve data via VBA

    Hi, i'm already checked it more than one time, i can't login with the admin user that i added it in the attached sheet @26 with User: Ahmed Abdelkader ID: E50448 Login: 82301 to edit the others sheets or add other data , and all sheet columns are visible, there are some hidden columns that i...
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    retrieve data via VBA

    Hello Deepak, so sorry for confusion, dear i didn't contain what you have been clarified, i ask how can the admins login to edit the all visible workbook. the sheet schema isn't must, you can edit every thing as you like thanks a lot,
  8. A

    retrieve data via VBA

    Hi Deepak fabulous work you have provided, thanks a lot for that. sorry for another request as i'm not familiar with VBA coding for Deduction sheet i need to show the columns but keep the hidden to be and i added another sheet called "Admins" with "User, ID and Login" when this users login...
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    retrieve data via VBA

    Dear Deepak the attached sheet contain the userform
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    retrieve data via VBA

    i didn't ask to retrieve an image the above image for the userform design that i need to insert this criteria to retrieve this data from the source sheet
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    retrieve data via VBA

    Deepak, if you mean the schema of userform, there is a prtsc to the requested form thanks
  12. A

    retrieve data via VBA

    in deduction sheet i have been hide a few columns that the shown only need to be popup
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    retrieve data via VBA

    Deepak you are right about that, unfortunately i'm already uploaded sample of my main sheet, as this sheet is considered 10% from the source that i'll handle after that
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    retrieve data via VBA

    @Deepak so sorry for confusion https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwxxQXMJl4FLYnR0WmJiZE9MNTg/view?usp=sharing and also can download it from OneDrive https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=DCE82BAEAB01A7F0%21841 Thanks,
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    retrieve data via VBA

    Sorry @Deepak i uploaded it in another drive https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwxxQXMJl4FLRDhkNVoxTXcyZk0/view?usp=sharing thanks a lot,
  16. A

    retrieve data via VBA

    @jeffreyweir, thanks a lot for your solution, i know how to handle with this option. @jeffreyweir, @Deepak, @Mr.Karr sorry for confusion, as i need no one can show the other users points. the workbook contain 2 sheets called "Deduction & Rewards" i need to set an interface sheet have an user...
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    retrieve data via VBA

    Karr great work you are provided gratefully,
  18. A

    retrieve data via VBA

    Hello Karr thanks a lot for your great answer it's really get what i'm looking for, but sorry for another query what if i want to hide some columns from source sheet eg: what if i need to retrieve columns "A,C,D,G,K" and can i set a schedule format for the retrieved data? thanks a lot
  19. A

    retrieve data via VBA

    Dears, i have a sheet that contain a large amount of data that i ask to match a specific criteria to look up its data in the attached sheet i ask to lookup "ID" with a selected drop down list for "Month" to retrieve its data
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    add 1 to the duplicated value

    Hi @Luke M & @Swapnil thanks a lot your formula is getting the right outcomes accurately
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    Search by simply typing the first letter

    Hi inddon there isn't any problem to use @NARAYANK991 code to auto filter a basic table, but if you mean to use this feature with a pivot table, you have to use the below code Private Sub TextBox1_Change() Dim pi As PivotItem, pf As PivotField Set pf =...
  22. A

    add 1 to the duplicated value

    Dears, i have some codes like 8246441691 8123041725 more and more etc some of these codes are duplicated, i ask if "8246441691" is duplicated the first code still as exist but add 1 to its duplicate to be "8246441692" this code inserted from "A1:A10000" Thanks,
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    remove slicer filter when opening the workbook automatically

    Dears, in my workbook a lot of connected slicer in multiple sheet, to be able previewing the outputs well, have to cache all slicer filter, is there a VBA solution let me remove slicer filter automatically when opening the workbook every time Gratefully,
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    extract value based on header column

    @Somendra Misra that's really the perfect solution that are provided thanks a lot,
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    extract value based on header column

    Hi Somendra, this above formula gives the right outcomes only if i select one month via slicer, but what a bout if i select more than one month. to become more flexible; the pivots structure form isn't a must, and there isn't any problem in adding any helper column if needed Thanks a lot,