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Search results

  1. Faseeh

    SumIf Logical Condition Not Working

    Plz try this with ctrl+shift+enter =SUMPRODUCT((H9:H96)*(MOD(ROW(H9:H96),3)=0)*(H9:H96>1))
  2. Faseeh

    Happy birthday Faseeh !

    Thanks alot @Marc L :)
  3. Faseeh

    Happy birthday Faseeh !

    Dear All my friends! Thank you Every one!! I am sorry i was busy somewhere and had not logged in for quite some time..so a little late reply. I often login to this site silently and just see how things are going, I remain unable to answer as frequently as i used to do once, but i feel glad...
  4. Faseeh

    Excel Opportunity in Bangalore Whitefield (full time work in permanent roles)

    Hello Shankar, I just removed your cell number. Plz don't post such details on public site. Thank you. Faseeh
  5. Faseeh

    Excel Password Breaker

    Dear Luk, You can always open your ms office excel file on OpenOffice (OO) un-tick the protection mark and break the password!! Open Office is free to download. :)
  6. Faseeh

    need extract a common value from multiple cells

    Hello, This post should help http://superuser.com/a/437398 ...and you may look for the addin described there.... https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=15011
  7. Faseeh

    Chart Suggestion

    A simple bar chart is the best.
  8. Faseeh

    leave salary due finding with formula

    Can you provide an example of how you do calculation with reference to this sheet with correct answer you are expecting. ?? This will really help understand your problem.
  9. Faseeh

    How to set up an atypical dependent drop-down

    You may simply use highlight duplicate values, if you have one date for two employees then highlight duplicate values will simply highlight the duplicate case.. See attached file for example.
  10. Faseeh

    Tenure Formula -- years months days

    Hi Rupesh, According to my observation the list can be sorted for the Column E, the year appears to be the difference of the one that you select from the list and the current year.
  11. Faseeh

    Adding new value from a separate field based on a variable in a separate field

    Hi Mark This is somewhat simpler solution: In Cell A4 of your sheet put: =E4 In Cell A5 downwards you put: =IF(E5="",A4,E5) ..and drag down the second formula. Hope that helps. ..see also the attached sheet.
  12. Faseeh

    Happy Birth Day Asheesh !!!

    Happy Birthday Asheesh!!
  13. Faseeh

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    @Santhana Welcome to the forums. Better start a new thread on proper forum, this thread is not meant to be a Q&A Thread.
  14. Faseeh

    Values keep changing to #N/A

    You are welcome, can you tell on which sheets/cells do you work that lead to this N/A error in H17:H43 and P17:43? May be i can try. There must be some part of the sheet you would be working on while such problem occur.
  15. Faseeh

    Values keep changing to #N/A

    you are welcome, there is no such problem at my end. see pic
  16. Faseeh

    Values keep changing to #N/A

    Please see attached file, should that worked for you..
  17. Faseeh

    Values keep changing to #N/A

    What i have understood from your description of the sheet is that you are actually interested in Cell I20 or Cell J20 of the Log report.
  18. Faseeh

    Values keep changing to #N/A

    Dear Rob, I think you are confusing things, you have defined a named range "Data" and that refers to the sheet named "Log". the Data has been defined as range =LOG!$A$4:$BF$503. When used in a VLOOKP() in your sheet Report like this =IF(C71="","",VLOOKUP(C71,DATA,3,FALSE)), it will look for...
  19. Faseeh

    Values keep changing to #N/A

    Sorry for replying late, i still unable to find 017-B. Can you tell me the cell address?
  20. Faseeh

    Values keep changing to #N/A

    You are welcome, Kindly correct me if i have misunderstood problem. The N/A error in the area you are pointing is due to vlookup not finding the value in Log!A4:BF300 (data), i tried with control F but was unable to found the first entry 017-B that gives error for Due Date cell. Can you cross...
  21. Faseeh

    Values keep changing to #N/A

    There is no apparent reason to me. In which cell do you put data? Have you tried with recalculating sheet?
  22. Faseeh

    Values keep changing to #N/A

    Hi, It will be really helpful if you upload a sample file.
  23. Faseeh

    Filtering month ends

    Please see if this is ok
  24. Faseeh

    Filtering month ends

    Not all your dates are true dates!! try changing their format to general and see..
  25. Faseeh

    Need to Extract String from <XXXXXXXX> angled bracket.

    Hi all, This one too, somewhat like @Asheesh formula =TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE((IF(MID($A1,2,1)="/","<>"&$A1,IF(ISERROR(FIND("/",$A1)),$A1&"</>",$A1))),">","<"),"/",""),"<",REPT(" ",99)),1+99*(COLUMN(B2)-1),99)) Put in B1, drag to left and downwards. NB" @Asheesh's formula...