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Search results

  1. L

    Consolidated view across all forum pages?

    If you scroll to the top of this page and click on any of the "Forums" tabs you will get to the main forums page with all the forums listed including Lounge, Ask an Excel question etc.
  2. L

    Consolidated view across all forum pages?

    The Main "Forums" page has all of those on the one page.
  3. L

    Love the new forum

    Love the style, layout and readability of the new site, well done to all concerned.
  4. L

    Navigation from "Home"

    But there are no links to the forums or "Ask an excel question" on the "Home" page.. just saying, Im not going to worry about it any more. Ill stay in the forums.
  5. L

    Navigation from "Home"

    Hi, that didnt get me anywhere, I just stayed on the same "Home' page. I am using Firefox if that is any help. I will just have to stick to the forums and stop wandering :)
  6. L

    Navigation from "Home"

    Hi, how do you get back to the Forum from the "Home" page, there doesnt seem to be any links, I must be missing something?? I used my bookmarks to get back to the forum.
  7. L

    VBA - loop through a range of cells, delete rows that match a set of criterias

    Amazing stuff, I just added testochango to my code to get rid of some more unwanted entries. You guys sure make excel fun. Thank you for all your contributions to the forum. :)
  8. L

    VBA Select rows which contain a negative value in column F [SOLVED]

    Thank you very much for your help, sorry about the workbook confusion. It is working great and has made things much easier for me. cheers, Lymm
  9. L

    VBA Select rows which contain a negative value in column F [SOLVED]

    Thanks a million Smallman, it works great but is putting the data into a new workbook instead of a named worksheet. I will see if I can work it out, Cheers.
  10. L

    VBA Select rows which contain a negative value in column F [SOLVED]

    Talking to myself a bit here but never mind, I just realised I could have used "advanced filter, copy to new sheet", criteria <0. (I am using excel 2003)
  11. L

    VBA Select rows which contain a negative value in column F [SOLVED]

    I have managed to get some code together to sort the combined income and but I cannot get itto name my added sheet "Expenses2" . Its a bit messy could could somebody possibly tell me where i have gone wrong in trying to name my added sheet. Thank you in advance, Lymm Sub Macrosortxpenseincome()...
  12. L

    VBA Select rows which contain a negative value in column F [SOLVED]

    Hi Again, What I was doing was importing two csv files into excel. One contained a mixture of income and expenses and the other just expenses. One of the problems was they both had different layouts and I couldnt just add one lot of expenses onto the other as the amounts were in different...
  13. L

    VBA Select rows which contain a negative value in column F [SOLVED]

    Thank you Sir JB7 I will try this as well. I Havent mastered the vba yet :(
  14. L

    VBA Select rows which contain a negative value in column F [SOLVED]

    Thank you Smallman, I had forgotten about auto filter.(Cooking tea and writing code at same time) I am working on it and will get back when I have some code that works for my situation.
  15. L

    VBA Select rows which contain a negative value in column F [SOLVED]

    Hi, I have worksheet that contains a mix of income and expenses. The expenses are negative amounts, income positve. I would like to select the rows which contain a negative $ value in column F and paste these into my expenses sheet using VBA. The sheet will already be sorted with all the...
  16. L

    VBA project

    Might be easier if uploaded a sanitised file rather than a jpg, then we can see what you have done and where you want all the details to go. And save someone having to recreate your user form. Cheers.
  17. L

    Checking a formula on multiple tabs

    Hi, if the formula is in the same cell on all the sheets you could "group" them then rewrite the formula, it will then show up on all of the grouped tabs/sheets. Might not be very helpful if there are very many sheets.
  18. L

    Dave Hawley From Ozgrid Passed Away

    Gosh, that is sad, I learnt a lot from him years ago when I first started getting into excel. RIP Dave :(
  19. L

    Congratulations Debraj - Excel Ninja

    Congratulations and thanks helping.
  20. L

    One space or two after full stop?

    OK, thanks. I will try switching to one and see how they go. Have a few sheets with text to deal with this week. Will have to retrain the fingers :)
  21. L

    One space or two after full stop?

    Many moons ago when learnt to type we were taught to leave two spaces after a full stop. Times have changed. When typing in excel should I be putting only one space after my full stops?
  22. L

    Macro to Consolidate Workbooks into one work book

    Hi SP, have you tried recording a macro when you are doing it manually?
  23. L

    Congratulations Hui 5,000 Posts

    Congratulations Hui, thanks for your time and effort to help with excel problems.
  24. L

    Withdrawl Symptoms

    Oh dear! we had a power outage for a few hours today, that was bad enough. Glad to see you back anyway.
  25. L

    how do I automatically add a new formatted row

    Hi, Im not to sure what some of your cells mean but if your cost rates are the same for each room, eg labour etc, I would change the layout of your table to something like this. Some of these columns you may wish to delete, i dont know what they are all for but you will get the idea. If the...