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Search results

  1. L

    To create a user Form in Excel

    I am working on a basic form but am still in 2003 so i may need some help to get it finished. Bit busy with xmas at the moment so it may take a while. Somebody else may help you in the meantime or you could try Debras contextures site for info on how to build a user form. Have you made one before?
  2. L

    To create a user Form in Excel

    Do you have a sample sheet showing where you want all the entries etc?
  3. L

    paste sheet from template and remain page format and print area

    I thought they were adding a new, blank sheet which did not have any formatting or set print area.
  4. L

    paste sheet from template and remain page format and print area

    Why do you not have an already formatted sheet like a template that you can copy/move rename the whole sheet etc using your above code.
  5. L

    Is it worth reporting spam?

    Hi, Is it helpful to "Report" the spam posts. I come across them occassionally and "Report" them. Should this be done, or not? :confused:
  6. L

    gantt chart

    Hi, maybe if you posted your formula it would be easier to analyse the problem.
  7. L

    The Avatars a Star

    I quite liked the old avatars, the new ones are better. How were they assigned?, they seemed to match the poster/question at times.:)
  8. L

    What are the best ready-made multiple-use macros from the web

    Doesnt "Watch this thread" work for you
  9. L

    User Form Title (Caption) Left Alignment

    What happens if you have a multipage userform, are they all the same?
  10. L

    Compare column A with column B and return minimum value in column A in Column C

    Well I put it on my watch list while I waited for the Ninjas to pounce :), sorry I couldnt help.
  11. L

    Congratulations Hui on becoming an Excel MVP!

    Congatulations Hui, well done.
  12. L

    Macros for formating

    Have a look at this thread , it may help. http://chandoo.org/forum/threads/split-multiple-columns-into-one.12260/#post-71900 I am no Ninja, more of a whinja, but I got it to work. :)
  13. L

    Auto complete string or number

    Hi this file was modified in excel 2003, but may be of some help. It may need some fine tuning, refining.
  14. L

    Hide rows containing the word Culled

    :), Cool, there are so many ways to do things, thanks. Will countif accept more than one variable? Some of the rows I ended up needing to hide contained "died" or "sold". I added OR to my macro and it worked ok. I will experiment and see. Ok, i used sumproduct (Excel 2003)...
  15. L

    Hide rows containing the word Culled

    Thank you Narayank99 for the explaination, it is good to know why things dont work and helps to understand what does work, I appreciate your input.
  16. L

    Hide rows containing the word Culled

    HI, Lohith, thank you. I tried the following code and it seems to work Option Explicit Dim cel As Range, rng As Range Sub HideRows2() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set rng = Range("A2", Range("Q65536").End(xlUp)) For Each cel In rng If...
  17. L

    Hide rows containing the word Culled

    Hi, I tried to hide rows containing the word Culled with this code . It seemed to go through the range but no rows were hidden, what have I done wrong. Sub HideRows() Dim cell As Range For Each cell In Range("A2:Q150") cell.EntireRow.Hidden = cell.Value = "Culled" Next cell End Sub
  18. L

    Time stamps on messages

    Thank you very much :)
  19. L

    Time stamps on messages

    Hope this isnt a silly question, but is there any way of changing the time stamps on messages to my own time zone?
  20. L

    Navigation from "Home"

    Thank you Chandoo, I had tried that previously and it kept staying on mobile, but after clicking on it a few more times I finally got off the mobile theme and it now seems ok.
  21. L

    Checked my alerts

    Ha, Ha, Thank you for the trophies. Hope I dont have to do an acceptance speech. Hope I dont become an "Excel Whinger" :oops:
  22. L

    Navigation from "Home"

    Its Ok Google was my friend.
  23. L

    Navigation from "Home"

    Hi Hui,How can I do a screen shot of what I can see, its not what you have above.
  24. L

    Couple of Points

    The "Forums" page lists all the forums and the "Whats new" page lists all the new posts in all the forums. I get lost on the "Home" page.
  25. L

    Navigation from "Home"

    Hi Hui, If I scroll to the top of this page, the Lounge Forum and click on the Chandoo logo I go to the http://chandoo.org/wp/ Which appears without the links visible above the logo. and it does not display as you have described. I clicked on print preview and saw some of the links you...