I am working on a basic form but am still in 2003 so i may need some help to get it finished. Bit busy with xmas at the moment so it may take a while. Somebody else may help you in the meantime or you could try Debras contextures site for info on how to build a user form. Have you made one before?
Have a look at this thread , it may help.
I am no Ninja, more of a whinja, but I got it to work. :)
:), Cool, there are so many ways to do things, thanks. Will countif accept more than one variable? Some of the rows I ended up needing to hide contained "died" or "sold". I added OR to my macro and it worked ok. I will experiment and see.
Ok, i used sumproduct (Excel 2003)...
HI, Lohith, thank you. I tried the following code and it seems to work
Option Explicit
Dim cel As Range, rng As Range
Sub HideRows2()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set rng = Range("A2", Range("Q65536").End(xlUp))
For Each cel In rng
Hi, I tried to hide rows containing the word Culled with this code . It seemed to go through the range but no rows were hidden, what have I done wrong.
Sub HideRows()
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("A2:Q150")
cell.EntireRow.Hidden = cell.Value = "Culled"
Next cell
End Sub
Thank you Chandoo, I had tried that previously and it kept staying on mobile, but after clicking on it a few more times I finally got off the mobile theme and it now seems ok.
Hi Hui, If I scroll to the top of this page, the Lounge Forum and click on the Chandoo logo I go to the
http://chandoo.org/wp/ Which appears without the links visible above the logo.
and it does not display as you have described. I clicked on print preview and saw some of the links you...