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Search results

  1. Luke M

    Chart Labeler

    Many years ago, I got this add-in from John Walkenbach's website. Helpful for adding custom labels to your chart(s). Since then, I've been unable to find the link to original source. The tool was provided freely with description that it may be freely distributed. I take no credit for the...
  2. Luke M

    Good Quality add-in RNG for Excel VBA

    It seems to me the article is just self promoting a somewhat useless bit of info. Yes, you've "only" got over 16 million random numbers. But why would you need more in Excel? That's more rows than a single sheet can even hold. Reminds me of long ago when people would previously complain that an...
  3. Luke M

    How to solve this problem using VBA?

    @Marc L I can understand your frustration with the changing requirements and multiple threads. However, I would ask you to tone done some of the sarcasm. Some of your above posts can come across as pretty harsh responses. I know that all of use can have off/frustrating days, but we need to...
  4. Luke M

    Alternative to "more func" indirect.ext

    I don't have the INDIRECT.EXT code anymore, but here's one for "pull" that might work? '----- begin VBA ----- Function pull(xref As String) As Variant 'inspired by Bob Phillips and Laurent Longre 'but written by Harlan Grove '-----------------------------------------------------------------...
  5. Luke M

    VBA Code to Copy formula from first row to the cells below

    To VBA, the name of the table is just "CapIQFinancialsData". Changing that one line then to Set rngChange = Worksheets("Data Flat File").ListObjects("CapIQFinancialsData").ListColumns("Value").DataBodyRange and the whole thing works again. You did several responses in a row, so I'm not...
  6. Luke M

    VBA Code to Copy formula from first row to the cells below

    Try this. Sub ExampleCode() Dim rngChange As Range 'What table and column? Set rngChange = Worksheets("Sheet1").ListObjects("Table1").ListColumns("EBITDA Margin").DataBodyRange Application.ScreenUpdating = False With rngChange .Formula =...
  7. Luke M

    Formula to categorize hours for shift differentials?

    Per forum rules, please remember to include links to cross-posts: https://www.excelforum.com/excel-general/1355487-formula-to-categorize-hours-in-shift-differentials.html#post5548785
  8. Luke M

    Split column chart by Subject

    Reminder to include links to your cross-post(s): https://www.excelforum.com/excel-charting-and-pivots/1354587-split-column-chart-by-subject.html
  9. Luke M

    Why does AutoFilter appear on columns without columns headings

    If you select an entire row to filter, XL will guess that you want a width equal to the 'Used Range'. This range can be a bit nebulous, as XL doesn't always properly know where the last cell is. For you to see what XL sees, try hitting Ctrl+End. This will take you to bottom-right cell of the...
  10. Luke M

    Vba line of code takes a long time to run

    Closed per OP's request.
  11. Luke M

    I can't resolve this summary of sales forecast. Please help!

    @danluk12 In the future, please remember to include links to the other forums/threads where you have posted the same question. That is known as cross-posting, and while allowed, most forums (including this one) frown against not including links.
  12. Luke M

    IF and condition not met then go to next row ?

    Although a similar topic, you should start your own thread rather than jumping onto an existing one. A thread with 0 replies is also more likely to get a response from a member of our community.
  13. Luke M

    How to put a Formula/function to repeat a string /Integer n times / given times and according to repeat times next columns data should transpose

    It looks like you are already receiving help for this problem in your other thread: https://chandoo.org/forum/threads/how-to-put-a-formula-function-for-completion-on-n-th-row-it-should-return-to-1st-row-and-repeat-till-n-again-go-to-1st-repeat-till-n-so-on.46045/
  14. Luke M

    How to move any row from a Table to a Sheet?

    @vletm @Efreet61 I would ask you all to take a breath before writing your next reply and try to have an open mind. It seems like an issue is escalating over what was probably an innocent mistake. Yes, Efreet should have included the cross-post link, but has admitted that mistake. Efreet, if you...
  15. Luke M

    Dependent ActiveX comboboxes filtering multiple pivot tables

    Can you elaborate on what you mean by this part? To your other question, yes, clearing/deleting the combobox should be just fine. I built a section in the code that checks for blank values = unfilter.
  16. Luke M

    Dependent ActiveX comboboxes filtering multiple pivot tables

    Let's see how far we get with this. I setup some Named Ranges to feed the 3 combo boxes. Unfortunately, it looks like ActiveX doesn't actively read from a range, so I had to come up with a way to "refresh" the pulls. Note the new code module that's been added. I also setup 3 slicers...
  17. Luke M

    Dependent ActiveX comboboxes filtering multiple pivot tables

    Hi Efreet. Sorry to see that you've been struggling with this for awhile, with not response. In truth, I have accomplished something like this for a client, but it took awhile to figure out so perhaps the complexity of the problem has deterred others from responding. :( That said, I'll do my...
  18. Luke M

    How to put my Excel spreadsheet on a diet.

    @Draszer Please remember to follow all forum rules, including being respectful of other members. We are all at different points on the path of learning.
  19. Luke M

    Hi Please help Me out for the Making Excel Formula !!

    I've closed the other thread, since this one contains further detail.
  20. Luke M

    Error While opening excel workbook.

    Hi Arthia, This thread is quite old, which means you probably wouldn't get a response here. Additionally, you'll get more help if you start you own thread when you have a question. Thanks.
  21. Luke M

    Dealing with constraints of Excel for Android

    Let's go for that. Since it has to be a square, we know there's a set limit as to how many number's we're dealing with. To make it clean, you could put this helper in a different sheet; for now I'll just pretend it starts in B1. formula in B1 =IF(AND(INDEX($A:$A, 1+COLUMN())=0, B2<99...
  22. Luke M

    Dealing with constraints of Excel for Android

    Are we wanting the formula to return the number 020 (the lowest value found), or the number 2 (the position of lowest value)? I know you didn't want to use helper cells, but having the vertical and horizontal ranges is going to make this tough w/o arrays. If we could use 5 horizontal cells...
  23. Luke M

    Dealing with constraints of Excel for Android

    I'm having trouble understanding your example. It looks like the 2 is the position you want, and is one of the inputs? Is the desired result 100, 0, or something else? I think I'll either need more examples, or for you to describe in more detail what exactly you want the computer to do.
  24. Luke M

    Three-letter combination into 1 to 10 characters

    Cross-posted (and solved) here https://www.excelforum.com/excel-formulas-and-functions/1327866-three-letter-combination-into-1-to-10-characters.html#post5397831
  25. Luke M

    Macro/VBA for grouping/outline of WBS structure

    To install a macro: 1. Right-click on a sheet tab, and select 'View Code' 2. In the Visual Basic Explorer (VBE) that opens, go to Insert - Module 3. Paste the given code into the white space that appears 4. Close the VBE 5. In your workbook, open the macro menu (Alt+F8) 6. Select desired macro...