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  1. Belleke

    using multiple image extensions

    You mean there is nothing wrong with the code?
  2. Belleke

    VBA UserForm - Skip Form Fields, Apply Formulas to New Rows on Data Table

    My bad, it is a table. I have to look at the code, but this will be for tomorrow.
  3. Belleke

    Run-Time Error '424': Object Required

    Glad to help.
  4. Belleke

    using multiple image extensions

    Now I have this. For Each Cell In .Range("M2:M" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, 13).End(xlUp).Row) For Each pic In Array(".gif", ".jpg") If Dir(Path & Cell & pic) <> "" Then With .Pictures.Insert(Path & Cell & pic) .ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse...
  5. Belleke

    using multiple image extensions

    For each is not the problem, how to do it with the pics instead of cells,I don't want to use the blocks for every extention. An example of a for each in a function doen't help at aal.
  6. Belleke

    using multiple image extensions

    I don't know how to proceed.
  7. Belleke

    Run-Time Error '424': Object Required

    a = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("D:D"), Me.TextShopOrderNumber.Text)
  8. Belleke

    using multiple image extensions

    Yes you wrote it, the only problem is how to do it,that is the reason why I asked the question.
  9. Belleke

    VBA UserForm - Skip Form Fields, Apply Formulas to New Rows on Data Table

    NO, your data is not a table, it is is a defined name range. The only table in your example is the to do list.
  10. Belleke

    using multiple image extensions

    Thanks for your reply. I was wondering if there is another way, shorter not a code block for every extension, Thanks
  11. Belleke

    using multiple image extensions

    This is the complete code. I want to expand this code so I can use different extensions. Jpg, Gif,Png Any body an idee? Sub belle() Dim Cell As Range, Path As String Path = "C:\Test\" With Sheets("Sheet1") For Each Cell In .Range("M2:M" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, 13).End(xlUp).Row) If...
  12. Belleke

    using multiple image extensions

    As usual with Marc L much cackling little egg
  13. Belleke

    using multiple image extensions

    Hi Marc can you explain a bit more what you mean.
  14. Belleke

    using multiple image extensions

    How can i change this code so it works for jpg and gif? If Dir(Path & Cell & ".jpg") <> "" Then With .Pictures.Insert(Path & Cell & ".jpg") Thanks in advance
  15. Belleke

    Delete rows but not specific column

    Try this. This will delete all rows below the last value in column B Sub Belle() Dim lastRow As Long Dim row As Long Dim temp As String ' insert your sheet name here With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Delete.Rows") lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).row ' you can change the starting...
  16. Belleke

    VBA UserForm - Skip Form Fields, Apply Formulas to New Rows on Data Table

    Problem 1: In the properties set tabstop on false and locked on true where applicable. Problem 2: Use a real table instead of Defined Name Range for your mastersheet then the Formulas will be added automaticly.
  17. Belleke

    VBA for selecting for rows A to I, until value

    A to I are not rows but columns. Your question is not clear.
  18. Belleke

    UserForm Entries Make Them Case Insensitive

    I looked at your questions, if you give me a few days, I gonna rework your userform.
  19. Belleke

    UserForm Entries Make Them Case Insensitive

    Are there a lot of lower case textboxes.
  20. Belleke

    UserForm Entries Make Them Case Insensitive

    You can try that, but instead of the Change event use the AfterUpdate event.
  21. Belleke

    UserForm Entries Make Them Case Insensitive

    This is correct.
  22. Belleke

    UserForm Entries Make Them Case Insensitive

    Yes, this is correct
  23. Belleke

    UserForm Entries Make Them Case Insensitive

    Yes, indeed. Don't forget to add End Sub at the end.
  24. Belleke

    UserForm Entries Make Them Case Insensitive

    Yes it does.
  25. Belleke

    UserForm Entries Make Them Case Insensitive

    Off topic All this TextPrefix = "" TextE10Status = "" TextSuffix = "" TextShopOrderNumber = "" TextEmailSubjectLine = "" TextNotes = "" TextStage = "" TextStartDate = "" TextStageDue = "" TextEndDate = "" TextProposalNumber = "" TextSalespersonInitials = "" TextSalesperson = ""...