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Search results

  1. SirJB7

    Need Macro for copy part of excel sheet rows and columns and paste in other file

    Hi, preethi3290! For the Access tables, primary key, foreign keys or any other constrain or relation? Regards!
  2. SirJB7

    Need Macro for copy part of excel sheet rows and columns and paste in other file

    Hi, preethi3290! Please tell me: a) path of the Access file b) paths of the Excel files c) exact range start (row, col) thru end (row, col / first blank) of Excel files d) Access table structure where ranges will be imported. Preferrabily, upload Access file too. Regards!
  3. SirJB7

    Unable to copy data from excel sheet

    Hi, Marc L! Really? I was wondering how to get into @r2c2's bank accounts... Regards!
  4. SirJB7

    Formula to remove HTML entries in the Workbook

    Hi, Hazra Hadee! Yes, a bit of tags are left but nothing that could not be removed manually. Maybe there are a other online converters that work better, I didn't dig deeply, just tested the topmost. Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and welcome back whenever needed or wanted. Regar
  5. SirJB7

    Compare a 1 worksheet doc to a 2 worksheet doc. What's the best way?

    Hi, Katybug1964! Thanks for answering. However if you can upload a sample of the three involved files it'd be easier for people to help you. Regards!
  6. SirJB7

    Need Macro for copy part of excel sheet rows and columns and paste in other file

    Hi, preethi3290! Sorry if arriving late to this conversation makes me post yet answered questions, but I have a few doubts. You have the Excel workbook that you uploaded at post 4. In that workbook you have a little hole in range J32:L36. Despite of this which is the exact range that you want to...
  7. SirJB7

    vba user form with mutiple lines

    Hi, Nagin! Firstly a clarification. What you have in worksheet Input is just a worksheet with a design that looks like a form but it's still a worksheet (basically cells, rows & columns) with a few controls that simulate a recordset edition (used by userform's DataControl controls). Precisely...
  8. SirJB7

    Need Help : VBA Create folders

    Hi, Mahantesh! Code provided by shrivallabha does the job or folder creation. Please note that MdDir function is in the part of the If...Then...Else construction that is executed when it (the temp folder) doesn't exist. You should adapt that code, surely removing both message boxes and embed it...
  9. SirJB7

    How to assign a macro to an activeX box (Used Function instead of Sub)

    Hi, Amit Punia! If you right click on any ActiveX control, and select View Code, you'll always get a code like this: Private Sub <control_name>_<event>(<parameters list>) End Sub That's what's called code for the main event (usually Click) or that control. From VBA editor you can add new...
  10. SirJB7

    Find Them and Extract Them – vba Macro

    Hi, Baconbo! Welcome to Chandoo forums! Checked this yet? http://chandoo.org/forum/forums/new-users-please-start-here.14/ About your question, glad you could solve it by yourself and thank you for sharing with the community. Regards!
  11. SirJB7

    Need a macro to draw border

    Hi, jb! When I advised you of this it was because I've yet detected some a-bit-weird things about the way borders have been set for "all" boxes. There wasn't an uniform way, some of them have all borders set, others have all but bottom, and I assumed (didn't and won't check) that it was because...
  12. SirJB7

    What technology related You tube channels you have subscribed for

    Hi, ThrottleWorks! And if I use Y2B for watching old series/movies, short tutorials on how-to-something, lots of photography stuff, besides pranks, the slo mo guys, older fps-russia, a science guy that I don't actually remember...? Would I be of any help? Regards!
  13. SirJB7

    VBA to reformat dates

    Hi, Eloise T! You now say... but in the 1st post you said... <bold red is mine> We can... but what are we supposed to do? Follow 1st or last requirement? Assuming David Copperfield is whispering at my ears, try this: Option Explicit Sub AnyIssueWithDates() ' constants Const ksFormat...
  14. SirJB7

    VBA to reformat dates

    Hi, Eloise T! I tested it on a dozen of rows with different date formats and it worked. Please upload a sample file with dates in col G from row 3 in advance where it doesn't work. Thanks. Regards!
  15. SirJB7

    Excel to Outlook VBA

    Hi, Mandy Lott! Welcome to Chandoo forums! Checked this yet? http://chandoo.org/forum/forums/new-users-please-start-here.14/ About your question, have you searched in this site for similar problems? I think that this topic has been treated many times. When posting code please do it between...
  16. SirJB7

    VBA to reformat dates

    Hi, Eloise T! Give it a try: Option Explicit Sub AnyIssueWithDates() ' constants Const ksFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy" ' declarations Dim lRow As Long, iColumn As Integer ' start lRow = 3 iColumn = 7 ' process With ActiveSheet Do While Len(.Cells(lRow...
  17. SirJB7

    help me to use countifs

    Hi, iRasim! C8: =SUMAPRODUCTO(($A$2:$A$5=$B8)*($C$2:$F$5=1)) -----> in English: =SUMPRODUCT(($A$2:$A$5=$B8)*($C$2:$F$5=1)) D8: =SUMAPRODUCTO(($A$2:$A$5=$B8)*($C$2:$F$5<>1))-----> in English: =SUMPRODUCT(($A$2:$A$5=$B8)*($C$2:$F$5<>1)) Copy down. Regards!
  18. SirJB7

    Formula to remove HTML entries in the Workbook

    Hi, Hazra Hadee! Tried with online converters like this? http://www.webtoolhub.com/tn561393-html-to-text-converter.aspx Google it as "html to plain text". Regards!
  19. SirJB7


    Hi, Andrew Quirl! The code is placed in "Competitor Data" worksheet object, so in this instruction: With Me you're telling to refer to that sheet. Create a new module, move the code to it, and change that previous sentence to: With Activesheet Then the macro will act on the actually...
  20. SirJB7

    Find average of highest values

    Hi, Isaac Garcia! Welcome to Chandoo forums! Checked this yet? http://chandoo.org/forum/forums/new-users-please-start-here.14/ About your question, please define "highest values". For Joe you only take 100 but for Jane you take 84.3373 and 79.0698 but not 66.3366. Which is the criteria? Regards!
  21. SirJB7

    Need a macro to draw border

    Hi, jb! Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and welcome back whenever needed or wanted. Regards!
  22. SirJB7

    Help with Automatic Coloring of Shapes (States) in Excel

    Hi, bkanne! Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and welcome back whenever needed or wanted. Regards!
  23. SirJB7

    Compare a 1 worksheet doc to a 2 worksheet doc. What's the best way?

    Hi, Katybug1964! Welcome to Chandoo forums! Checked this yet? http://chandoo.org/forum/forums/new-users-please-start-here.14/ About your question, have you searched in this site for similar problems? I think that this topic has been treated many times. Regards!
  24. SirJB7

    Help with Automatic Coloring of Shapes (States) in Excel

    Hi, bkanne! Give a look at the uploaded file. This is the code behind the button: Option Explicit Sub CaranDAche() ' ' constants Const ksWS = "Sheet1" Const ksStates = "StatesTable" ' ' declarations Dim rng As Range Dim I As Integer, J As Integer, K As Integer...
  25. SirJB7

    add 48 working hours

    Hi, sandysharma! Try with function WORKDAY. Regards!