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  1. jb

    countif changes the range

    Thanks a lot. It worked.
  2. jb

    countif changes the range

    Now, dragging a2:g2 to outside table say a9:g9 changes the range and gives incorrect calculation in j column.
  3. jb

    countif changes the range

    Sir, I am uploading file once again. If I drag the data a2:g2 to say for example a9:g9, then it is not changing the range of countif. But If I drag the data a7:g7 to say for example a9:g9, then it is changing the range of countif. Is there any way to prevent this? I mean dragging data out of...
  4. jb

    countif changes the range

    I have used $ in formula madam.
  5. jb

    countif changes the range

    Hi experts, I have attached an excel sheet "testing.xls" . I have data in a table from a2 to g7. Some codes are written in c2 to g7. I have written all possible codes from i2 to i6. I have written countif formula in j2 to j6. Now if I drag the data a2:g2 to say for example a9:g9, then it changes...
  6. jb

    Need a macro to draw border

    Sir, thanks you so much for helping me. But sir, I couldn't understand the solution that you provided in msg#13. means you provided two codes and I did't understand where to paste them in my file. That's why I have not commented yet. Can you help me bit more? Sir, I am attaching my actual file...
  7. jb

    Need a macro to draw border

    Sir, sorry for late reply. But yes line 13 is necessary. This excel sheet is a timetable of my school. Line 13 will contain message "Break Time". Above table shows lectures before break and below table shows lectures after break. Now, 14th line can be added in worst case. This sheet is part of...
  8. jb

    Need a macro to draw border

    SirJB7, it is still not working. Border disappear at some places. So I am thinking on a solution which can identify old box of table from where data dragged and new box where data is dropped. After that just draw border around them. Is it possible? OR Will it be ok if I write a macro which...
  9. jb

    Need a macro to draw border

    Hi SirJB7, Sorry to disturb you once again. But unfortunately, the solution not worked even though I completed all borders, removed extra rows and columns and then applied your code. But still borders disappear. I am attaching the file for your reference. In this file, "format" sheet contains...
  10. jb

    Need a macro to draw border

    Thanks a ton sir. Now I understand what you want to convey. I will complete all the borders and then I will apply your code.
  11. jb

    Balanced adjustment of cell values

    Dear Helper r2c2, I found solver in excel but when I tried to change values in blue cell, it started giving NAME error in calculation cells. Am I doing something wrong? Help me please.
  12. jb

    Need a macro to draw border

    SirJB7 I checked my uploaded file. My file is 13.2 KB size which I have uploaded in 1st post of this thread. Sir, what you have attached is the file with same name but it is 14.3 KB size and it is not same file which I have uploaded in my question. Sir, please have a look on my file and help me...
  13. jb

    Balanced adjustment of cell values

    Sir, 28 21 23 26 18 22 can become 28 25 25 25 24 25 But there is one error. 4th value 26 is becoming 25 which is not allowed. Sir, actually these six values are the marks of 6 subjects. Subjects can be more also. Now, I need to give them extra 16 marks for their attendance component...
  14. jb

    Need a macro to draw border

    SirJB7 I checked my uploaded file. This excel sheet is part of my bigger excel file. But it is not sample. It contains actual data. Sir, my excel sheet contains border group of two cells. say a3,a4 cell makes a group. a4,a5 makes a group. And border is required only around group. 13th row is...
  15. jb

    Need a macro to draw border

    SirJB7 I placed the code. Sir it is not working for all boxes. For example when I tried to move I16 and I17 to H18 and H19, above border of I16 and I17 box as well as lower border of H18 and H19 box disappear. Sir please help.
  16. jb

    Need a macro to draw border

    Hi Helpers, I have a table with some data. File "format preserve.xls" is uploaded with thread. In my sheet, boxes have been created of two cells each with border only around group of two cells. I need to drag and drop a box from one location to another location within table. Now when I drag...
  17. jb

    Sir, Extremely sorry to post message here. But can you help me in a solution provided by you. I...

    Sir, Extremely sorry to post message here. But can you help me in a solution provided by you. I have already replied to your answer in following thread. Please sir, refer it and help me. http://forum.chandoo.org/threads/balanced-adjustment-of-cell-values.33959/#post-205085 Regards jb
  18. jb

    Balanced adjustment of cell values

    Sir, When I checked your file with my data 28 21 23 26 18 22 in b2:g2 it gives me answer 26 25 26 26 25 26. It increases the total by 16 which is correct. But sir, while doing adjustment we can not decrease the value of cell in order to do adjustment. We can increase value or keep as it is...
  19. jb

    Balanced adjustment of cell values

    Dear vletm, Issue with your file is it is not distributing value 16. Sir, it is distributing only value 4. B2 is 12 it is becoming 16. Rest C2 to G2 is same. Look at final value B18 to G18.
  20. jb

    Balanced adjustment of cell values

    vletm and CA Rohit, Final time I am disturbing helpers. Sorry for starting new thread. Actually I really need this excel sheet. I will not post anything again regarding this issue again. H1 contains value 16. 16 points are to be distributed between 6 cell values entered in B2 to G2. It means...
  21. jb

    Increasing values of some cells to balance values

    Hello Helpers, I have an excel sheet jb rank testing.xlsx. This excel sheet is a solution given by one member in this forum long back. I have any 6 values entered in cells b2 to g2. I want to add a value say 16 (cell h1) to values b2 to g2. Sum of vales added to b2 to g2 should be exactly...
  22. jb

    Balanced adjustment of cell values

    Oooops CA Rohit Your solution not worked for all data. When I tried to enter different data, distribution failed. Look at the data entered in b2 to g2. Distribution done upto value 18 when in any case it should go upto 16 only which is there in H1. 12 , 23 , 25, 26, 28, 27
  23. jb

    Balanced adjustment of cell values

    CA Rohit, Your suggestion gave me solution. I found formula to assign rank with no repeat values. And it worked. Thanks a lot.
  24. jb

    Balanced adjustment of cell values

    Hello Helpers, I have an excel sheet jb rank.xlsx. This excel sheet is a solution given by one member in this forum long back. My problem was to add a value say 16 to range of cells in such a way that new value of cell after adding portion of value 16 to that cell should not exceed to any cell...
  25. jb

    add values to range of cell so that all cell get almost same value

    Sir Shteven, Last solution you supplied in jb rank.xlsx gives correct output for some set of data. But when I enter following data 26 23 25 26 28 27 in B2 to G2 then it adjusts the cells with values 15 instead of 16. Please help.