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Search results

  1. jb

    countifs with date in vba code

    ws.Cells(i, 10).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(rng, ">=" & CLng(startdate), rng, "<=" & CLng(endDate)) changing this line solved my problem as suggested by p45cal and Debaser. Monty sir, I was worried because my data formats were double checked. I incorporated changes given by...
  2. jb

    countifs with date in vba code

    Sir, I incorporated your code but it is still giving 0. reference file is attached here.
  3. jb

    How can I close thread?

    Well, I do not have any such option. But thanks for information.
  4. jb

    countifs with date in vba code

    >>> You've noted many times <<< >>> use code - tags <<< Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Consolidated") lastrow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row Set rng = Range("n6:n65") For i = 6 To lastrow If Cells(i, 4) <> "" Then startdate = Cells(i, 7)...
  5. jb

    How can I close thread?

    ok. Can you just tell me how to modify title of thread?
  6. jb

    Generate list from multiple sheets based on criteria

    Thank you all. I finally could create my required VBA code after searching a lot and many times trial and error method. Now my VBA code is working perfectly as per my requirement. @Monty sir, your VBA code gave me strong base. Thank you once again.
  7. jb

    How can I close thread?

    If I have got the solution then can I close my thread? How?
  8. jb

    Generate list from multiple sheets based on criteria

    I received VBA code from Monty sir in this forum for my problem. I tried to understand the code and make changes in VBA code to suit to my requirement. I tried a lot but I couldn't implement above mentioned 2 features. So I am asking for help.
  9. jb

    Generate list from multiple sheets based on criteria

    Hello Monty sir, I have solved almost all issues that I was facing. I have done changes to your code. Now, my event sheets are not deleted. My data started being pasted from row 4 in consolidated sheet. My data is sorted on enrollment number in consolidated sheet. But I could not find answer...
  10. jb

    Generate list from multiple sheets based on criteria

    Sir, different teacher may type different class name in F3 cell of event_list sheet. And based on their class name, it should fetch data from all event sheets and generate list of students of the respective class in consolidated sheet. For this, event sheets can not be deleted. Sir, you have...
  11. jb

    Generate list from multiple sheets based on criteria

    Hello Monty sir, I tried your code. But, 1. It deletes the events sheets. I need to keep the events sheets. 2. In the consolidated sheet, 3rd row is header row. It should remains as it is. Data should be pasted from 4th row. 3. It should paste column B to column I from each event sheet based...
  12. jb

    Generate list from multiple sheets based on criteria

    I have attached file. Please help.
  13. jb

    Generate list from multiple sheets based on criteria

    Sir, Kindly refer attached file. I have already added your code. But the problem is, it is not generating any output in consolidated sheet. Sir, I am entering my required class in F3 cell of "event_list" sheet. Consolidated sheet must generate list of students of inputted class (in F3 cell )...
  14. jb

    Generate list from multiple sheets based on criteria

    @Monty sir, you have provided me below given solution for my problem of generating consolidated sheet based on multiple sheets. But it is not working. Kindly help. >>> You've noted many times <<< >>> use code - tags <<< Option Explicit Sub GenerateConsolidatedList() Dim wsEventList As...
  15. jb

    Create multiple separate pdf from cell values having sheet names

    Hello Monty sir I was talking about below problem, Trying to explain my problem. I have an excel file for maintaining list of students participating in various events of an institute. I have one sample excel which contains 4 sheets right now. First sheet "event_list" has list of sheet names...
  16. jb

    Create multiple separate pdf from cell values having sheet names

  17. jb

    Create multiple separate pdf from cell values having sheet names

    Sorry for bothering you once again but I need your help in my another thread as well. There also you have sent me vba code but it is not working or else I am doing something wrong somewhere. Please help.
  18. jb

    Create multiple separate pdf from cell values having sheet names

    Respected Helper, It worked perfectly. Thank you soooooooooooooooo much.
  19. jb

    Generate list from multiple sheets based on criteria

    you helped me with vba code. I inserted that code in my excel sheet which i have saved now as macro enabled worksheet. But not getting consolidated sheet. Please help. Attaching new file with vba code. Here, I have tried adding one more sheet of sports.
  20. jb

    Generate consolidate list dynamically from multiple sheets

    Sir, In previous thread, I received answer with power query which is not available to and we are very basic users us so we couldn't understand even. One solution was given with formula but we failed in first step. I replied also that we couldn't proceed from first step. I waited in that thread...
  21. jb

    Generate consolidate list dynamically from multiple sheets

    Hello Helpers, Trying to explain my problem. I have an excel file for maintaining list of students participating in various events of an institute. I have one sample excel which contains 4 sheets right now. First sheet "event_list" has list of sheet names under column title "Event Sheet...
  22. jb

    Create multiple separate pdf from cell values having sheet names

    Hello helpers, I have an excel files with almost 30 sheets. My first sheet is named menu. On menu sheet, I have multiple sheet names from a5 to a15 (11 names are written) . for e.g. task1, task5, task7, task11 and so on. My file contains sheets with these names. I want vba code to be attached...
  23. jb

    Generate list from multiple sheets based on criteria

    Hi helper, Your first step is not working so i am unable to proceed. On the "consolidate" sheet: 1. Class Lookup: - In D4, enter the following formula to look up the class for the corresponding event in C3: =IFERROR(VLOOKUP($B4, INDIRECT("'" & C$3 & "'!$B$4:$C$100"), 2, FALSE)...
  24. jb

    Generate list from multiple sheets based on criteria

    Hello Helpers, I have for example 4 sheets right now. First sheet "event_list" has list of sheet names under column title "Event Sheet Title". Right now there 2 names in cell b4 and b5 - tennis and cricket respectively. Note: There can be new sheets of new sports events can be added in future...
  25. jb

    Formula with constant column and changing row

    Sir it is not working. I added $. But when i drag, it remains $d4 in next cell. I am dragging horizontally.