Hello Experts,
I like the Hui's link more informative,but when Im copying and pasting it in module its throwing me error some like method or datamember not found
on this line i hope:Sheet1.WebBrowser1.Navigate2 ThisWorkbook.Path & "zzxqvk.htm"
Please help me on this what and all measure i...
Hi Narayan sorry for the delay,you can take example as below
ProjId Month Output I need
92134 Feb Jan
92189 Jun Oct
Hope this is Okay for you like this i have hundreds of data arrangedd in pivot
Thanks and Regards,
Hi Narayan,
Thanks for the attempt,My first month starts from Oct then Nov then Dec.....Sep.
so in the above post for year2013 the minimum month is Oct.
Hi Narayan,
Thanks for the attempt,I want to find the minimum month for the year 2013 where my months start from Oct=1st month,Nov=2nd month,Dec=3rd month.......Sep=12th month.
So if you see in your post for the year 2013 Oct is my minimum for that year.so i want to adjacent to month column...
Hi Luke,
Thanks,for reply.column c is text rest all are dates coming from one of reporting tool as dates.
I have attached a sample file for your easiness.I want to introduce one column in field such that if i refresh the pivot it should reflect me startmonth column name for example in...
Hi Experts,
I need to find a solution for one of the task that i need to do.I have a data like shown below
ProjectId Year Month Orginal date Actual/Revised date startmonth
104143 2013 JAN JAN2013 JAN2013
FEB FEB2013 FEB2013...
Hi Narayan,
Thanks for response,I think Jai's solution will work for me ,still i need to try tomorrow.Can you tell me what do you mean by putting all data in one tab?Anyhow this format is given from User even it can be changed if i understand what you mean.User wants to see each months data...
Thanks to respond on this.Please find the sample file where i have shown you the scenario.Please see the sheet "1 month" where column F is fixed and C,D,E are hidden columns and im finding the diff between june and may and in sheet 2 month,im finding the difference between Jul...
Hi Experts,
I have a column form example "E" where i have used the formula A2-B2 to find the differencce between last and current month.Next month again i have to change the formula to c2-b2 then next month d2-c2 but column E is constant.Is there a way through excel function or macro to...